Logbook entry

In space no one can hear you scream...

30 Apr 2018LandroverKeith
Started off a bad day...

With a heavy heart I left abi” thinking of the credits I’d lost when the “pillar of autumn” blew into a million bits of space dust.

I was heading for ”Paritus” with a quick stop at “Helena” for some passenger cabin refits, I was feeling positive as “Iolanthe” my python was stripped of her cargo racks and the business class cabins filled her void.

“Clear for takeoff”

The words gave me hope as I throttled up and headed for the station door...

Once outside in the beautiful black that had been a cruel mistress I plotted my course, only 3 jumps don’t even need to scoop fuel this trip...

Fsd drive charging 3.2.1 and we was gone..

Upon entering the system I quickly fired the discovery scanner to see what’s about... nothing new on the read out and some light ships heading to the station so off we head 4 pips to engines and only a short trip to dock.

Once docked I took the time to refuel “Iolanthe” with the expensive stuff and did a little maintainance on her hull from bouncing some cargo of her hull a few weeks back

Once sat back in my commanders chair with easy relax system I keyed up the passenger lounge, my eyes lit up at the lists of people wanting to goto “MedB”

One by one I went through the lists accepting and escort them to their cabins for the short jump but long cruise, until i came across the last name on the list... I wish I’d just clicked off her she was wanted in the surrounding systems and I knew better... but she was stunning her eyes drew me to her and next thing I knew my ship was carrying illegal passengers..:

Clear for take off once again ringed through “Iolanthes” speakers

Gunning it out of the station at max speed I risked the portal and hope nothing else big was coming in....

Boost failed low power...

I was so busy spamming the boosters I hadn’t noticed the power levels, but no matter we was clear of mass lock and I was locked in on “Medb”

Once we jumped my worries had gone and i was feeling lucky it was a 40 min super cruise to the closest station so i took the time to relax with a cigar and a cup of joe.

We dropped out of supercruise to port of the station behind the entrance... and this is where the trouble began I’d mis alligned for my plan... the stations voice came over loud speaker with the usual landing regs and security bumph...

I opened the throttle to 230 to avoid a scan but the turn to the entrance was to harsh so the sector police must have noticed my manoeuvre and the worst feeling of dread “ship scanned” over the comm... the last thing I remember before waking in my cell on the federal prison ship was “hull critical eject eject”.

My ship destroyed the passengers all gone

My wealth lost

As I left the station in my adder that the insurance bought I wonder what’s next
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︎1 Shiny!
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