Name: Arcadia
Allegiance: Alliance
Power: Edmund Mahon
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 10

Related minor faction: The Arcadia Partnership
Supported minor faction: The Arcadia Partnership

In-game name:
  • PSArcadia [ARDA]
  • PCThe Arcadia Partnership [ARDP]
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About Arcadia

‘Et in Arcadia Ego'

Arcadia is a place in Elite where PS4 players can rally for support and instruction, whether you’re a veteran or a new player there’s a place for you here. Our home base is located at the top of the bubble, Court Real Market in the Iranadhisa system; we have established our place there and have a presence in several surrounding systems.

We are committed to the Alliance, supporting Edmund Mahon and other Alliance squadrons where we can. Cmdrs pledged to Mahon, or who wish to work for the betterment of the Alliance will be received with open arms. That said, we understand that you may pledge to other powers for equipment only they provide.

Join us now

We welcome Cmdrs new to the game; you’ll be helped on your way up the Pilot Federation ranks, with engineers and training in many aspects of the game. No pressure will be put on you to perform, but Cmdrs will be expected to be self-sufficient once a certain standard has been reached.

Experienced players are always welcome, we are particularly interested in recruiting Cmdrs with an interest in BGS and Powerplay who would like to join our team.

Joining instructions:

Must be 18+ (exceptions can be made if recommended by existing members)
English speaker (all dialects/accents are good, even Doric!)
Access to a mic preferred, makes life so much easier.

Via Playstation – Arcadia is exclusive to PS4/5 players at present, to join us simply search in game for Arcadia (ARDA) in the Squadrons section in the RH panel and apply. You’ll need to accept a friend request from Tino1243 before joining; to gain access to our PG you’ll need to friend Arcadia_ED, who will arrange an invite. NOTE: we can’t accept your membership if you can’t accept our friend request, make sure your system is set up to do so.

INARA – no membership on INARA will be accepted unless full membership is complete.

Discord – Cmdrs on all platforms can join our discord server, where you will have limited access until joining the Sqn proper.

We are interested to hear from other Alliance Sqns, who are welcome to join us on discord, where discrete channels will be opened. Those from other Powers and Sqns who wish to open a dialogue will be welcome as well.

Rules are for the guidance of the wise and for the blind obedience of fools; there will be some specific to Sqn membership, you’ll find them inside INARA and on the Discord server. The more common stuff on conduct can be boiled down to the Golden Rule, “do unto others as you would have done to you”, a dim view will be taken on trolls and troublemakers, so don’t do it!

How many of you have googled Doric?

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