Logbook entry

How Now Brown Cow

02 May 2018LandroverKeith
Welcome to Ohmn City commander, please follow standard docking procedures!

Dropping out of super cruise with the station Ohmn City directly in front of him in the Lhs20 system, Commander LRK had a big cheesy smile as he poured over the specs of his brand new Chieftain.

he had bought the "Numpty" from Low Orbital in Lhs 2764a and had every intention of going to Ray Gateway to upgrade her, but the whole station was still on lockdown so he no access to any of the shipyard facility's he needed.

Once the "Numpty" had settled on the landing and was being lowered into the hanger Commander LRK contacted the shipyard owner to see what toys they had available as he had credits burning a hole in his wallet.

The Shipyard owner was a strange man with a very odd blue spiked hairstyle and insisted on calling the commander "Dude" which was starting to Irritate LRK after a few minutes.

First thing they agreed on was a brand new shiney 5A FSD "only the best for you dude"

Brushing it off Commander LRK went on to explain "I also want the Hull re enforced to the max with exception of a fighter Bay and a Fuel scoop..."

"I intend hunting out some Thargoids in her so I'm open to suggestions on fire power"

the shipyard owner looked into the commanders eyes and said "No Problem Dude we can hook you up, come back in a day or so ill have her all shiney for you"

they shook hands and Keith walked away to the bar/recreation areas with the idea of finding some whisky and a bed in that order.

it was actually 2 days before the shipyard contacted commander LRK which he was glad about as sitting around in the bar drinking aged bourbon was getting a little to comfy.

The Chief Engineer greeted Keith as he walked into the shipyard with a sharp intake of breathe.... "it was a little more than we expected commander but don't worry we can work something out"

Keith grimaced... he wasn't worried he had more credits on his card than ever before, but he just hated spending them and 2 days sat station bound had been eating his earnings...

walking onto the Bridge of the numpty he breathed in the new ship smell of all that prime plastic... a can of Mr sheen still on the console gave away a grease mark that someone had failed to clean up properly..

"Numpty contact air traffic control request launch...."

calling the ship "numpty" gave Keith a little giggle to himself for so many reasons

throttling up to 95 ls Keith aimed numpty to the stations main door and glided through with grace, "ok Numpty lets go find something to shoot Locate Commander HairyButt and Glenblock we need to wing up"

Fsd Drive Charging 4.. 3.. 2... 1...
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︎4 Shiny!
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