Logbook entry

The Battle of Wednesday

17 Jul 2018LandroverKeith
Ugh I hate Wednesdays.....

Commander Keith swore to himself as an alarm went off in his cabin, waking him at the ungodly hour of 11am.

Sighing he swung himself out of the bunk and into his super space spandex suit and started to walk up to the bridge of the Nostromo as slowly as he could hoping Wednesday would be over by the time he got there.

Sitting in the captains chair he answered the alarm with a press of a button "what do you want? ive paid my fees!"

the screen showed a holographic image of a huge women with a orange moustache

"ahh Commander Keith I am Mary vanhue of the company Vanhue space oddity's

Keiths face froze and couldn't help but stare at the Tache and think more like scary Mary,

slowly and delibratly he asked what she wanted and how she found him as he thought he had snuck into Hausers Reach in Robigo under the radar.

after a very long and painful 20 mins of doing his best to be rude and put her off he finally and reluctantly agreed to take her party of 20 to siruis atmospherics over in Sothis, despite it breaking his rule of living on a Wednesday.

Keith had several Rules he lived by and they were taped up on the starboard side of the cockpit in each of his ships.

top of the list was

I Don't do Wednesdays!

A few hours later the Passengers started to arrive slowly and in dribs and drabs which also annoyed Keith as he just wanted to set off take the cash and go back to bed, he stood in disbelief as some of the space oddity group turned up dressed in what a can only be described as thargoid costumes, finaly they all embarked the Nostromo

Take off Clearance Granted, traffic is heavy commander plz give way to larger ships was the message from a very bored sounding Welshman on the comms

Keith still with the raging hump fired up the engines on his beluga and started to move up and away from the landing pad and heading to the stations door

the second the landing gear left the pad a little green internal communication light came on with a message from scary mary "would it be possible to get some luxury goods for the trip we need something back here"

choosing to ignore the request Commander Keith swore loudly as he had to bring the ship to a stop before he could get out of the door some idiot in a Krait came racing through and was swiftly followed by 3 other ships

slowly but surely he edged the beluga out the door watching all his moniters on that stupid huge tail that he had hit so many times he had lost count

once outside the station he raised the landing gear with also raised the tail fin hitting the boost button and opening the throttle he swang around to the nav computer and plotted a course for sothis.

pressing the ship com button "ok 3 jumps and we are there people"

Frameshift drive Charging 5 4 3 2 1 and with a flash they were in hyperspace

droping from frameshift near a sun Keith aimed the nose at the next waypoint and engaged the drive

Frameshift drive Charging 5 4 3 .... warning temperature crictal warning 2 1 ....

the bridge was awash with redlights and smoke as they dropped completely from highwake into sothis, the hull temp was in the low 200 and dropping very slowly as keith quickly made course corrections to get away from the sun asap, he could see the paint of the nose section already melted and peeled away exposing bare metal.

checking the status panel he could see there had been a substantial amount of damage to the ships systems and really needed to dock to repair, the 12 mil credits from Mary would easily cover the cost but the Nostromo was still to hot to risk engaging the fsd again the closest station was Newholm but the Sirius atmospheric probe was equally as close so he made his choice and set course for the probe.

Wednesdays need to just leave me alone
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