Logbook entry

Rumors... Dangerous things

02 Sep 2018LandroverKeith
Keith was sat in his favourite chair in his favourite Bar on Al-Jazari Orbital, he loved this place and his new home with the Guardians of Aesir.

Looking around watching the people he idly chewed on some jerky he had found in the pocket of his old jacket, tasted strangely of bold but he kept eating it.

The news screen behind the bar caught his eye and sparked his interest it showed the usual boring space dross and got onto the Thargoid threats which was always worth keeping an eye on but.......

Guardians built beacons??  reports of deep space explorers finding a strange structure in deep space that was most definably Guardian origin...

talking to himself "this could prove to be interesting" downing his Imperial Blue Gin he stood up and made his way back to his quarters throwing a large tip on bar, then picking it back up as he didn't mean to leave so much "damn these new credit chips".

Back in his quarters Keith started opening secured comm lines to several contacts he had made over the years of space trading and "salvaging", after about 3 hours he finally got the result he was looking for a greedy explorer by the name of Ermintrude bird.

After some lengthy and very painful negotiation Keith and Ermintrude finally agreed on a price for the system name of the beacon, Ermintrude thanked Keith for his Payment and wished him a good trip as he couldn't see why he wanted to go all the way out there just to look at it, closing the monitor Keith just responded with "curiosity".

wondering how much time he had Keith made the short trip down to the shipyard and start prepping the Pillar of Autumn for his trip as she was kitted out already for long range deep space operations and had a huge jump range thanks to the guardian booster he had outfitted.

Now on the bridge of the Autumn he ran his fingers over the keys to bring her power up and brought up the galaxy map and entered the system name in the search bar......

over 700 light years away and 12 jumps was the result and tbh he didn't think that was to bad.

Ordering supplies he swapped out the srv bay for a bigger one so he could carry 2 it only dropped his range by about .50 of a light year, hovering over limpets he decided not to bother theres nothing ill need those for this trip and I don't want to carry cargo he thought.

All Set

The Landing pad lift made all kinds of creaking and whirring noises as it lifted and slide the pillar of autumn to the surface of the station, the second it had stopped moving keith opened comms to traffic control to ask for take off permissions, control came back with "all clear stick to the greens but watch out heavy traffic is reported"

doing his final checklist keith moved the stick forward and the mighty autumn rose gracefully from her pad like a dragon of old taking to skys adjusting throttle to set his speed to 50au Keith aimed her bow at that god awfull narrow letterbox holding in the door way to let a type 9 have plenty of room he quickly checked the nav computer was locked in,

full throttle now the the type 9 was gone the pillars red spike bow quickly loomed out into the black where she belonged.

turning the ship almost 180 degrees to line up with the system jump he gazed at the large station and wondered if anyone else would be doing the same as him soon, a few minutes went by before he was free of mass lock and engaged the pillars mighty fsd Engage....
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