Logbook entry

A few jumps

30 Jan 2019LandroverKeith
"Hey Keith"

Walking into the bar of the omega mining corp station Keith heard the familiar tones of his squadron mate Fad.

"howd ya fancy a few jumps to Sag A? , we have about finished here with the mining be nice to get out and stretch the old space legs"

"sounds good" replied Keith, "ive already had the "Pillar of Autumn" shipped over after jumping here in the cutter "White Star" I couldn't face that many jumps in her ever again!"

walking into the cockpit of the "Autumn" Keith grimaced as he had left the crimbo tree bobblehead on the dash well past the date it should have been packed away "more bad luck" he said to himself.

Swinging around in the comfy chair with a large imperial blue gin in hand, he started to key details into the computer plotting route to Sag A wasn't going to be easy and would require several waypoints as the ship would only plot in 1kly sections.

20 waypoints was the best he could get the "Autumn" could jump 70ly in her current setup so 15 jumps per way point isn't bad at all he thought.

3 Days later.....

omg a few jumps.... Keith grumbled to himself, a few jumps!!

They had agreed to just race out to Sag A and meet up then come home nice n slow scanning and looking at the sites

"Incoming Message" the ships console lit up bringing Keith out of his dark mood.

"hey bud we have a couple more chaps on the way out, Sam and Zhap keep an eye out for em"

seconds later a message from Sam pops up.. hey I'm about 2kly in front of ya atm I've been jumping all night but I had a rough landing a while back and could do with a repair, any chance you could meet up and send some of those repair limpets ya have on board?

without hesitation Keith sent a reply "of course we can sort something mate cant see ya out here with holes in ya ASP"

in a few hours the pair met up just outside of the sun in some backwater system with no planets and 2 suns..

3 limpets later sam was back to 100% hull and the pair exchanged pleasantry's before carrying on agreeing to meet up at the tourist beacon with the others.

Only 11 jumps left to go Before that super black hole and Keith couldn't wait, a mix of excitement and tiredness.

Within a short time The "Pillar of Autumn" made her final jump into SagA and Keith immediately fired her retro thrusters into full reverse to stop her in her tracks as the view in the cockpit suddenly full of the most frightening but awe inspiring view...

the center of the galaxy....  

wow that is stunning Keith said out loud.

his eyes flicked over the control panel making sure everything was fine with his ship, looking down the module readout he noticed his fsd drive was down to 89%

time to turn on the old afmu then he thought as he poured a large glass of Antique Gordons Gin checking the scanner he saw a couple of long distance cruise ships and his mate Commander Fad about 1000ls on the far side of the gravity well

"incoming message"

hi guys it Sam be with you both by morning.. where we meeting and whats the next plan?

turning the autumn towards Fad, Keith opened the throttle to max

FSD Drive Charging 3... 2.... 1....
Do you like it?
︎1 Shiny!
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