Logbook entry

Kate MK 2 has been obtained!

28 Dec 2015Ghosts Abyss
So.. after spending a good bit of time running some trade routes, deliverin' some exotic and rare goods from far off places to even.. further.. off.. places.. I wracked myself up a pretty nice amount of money. Decided.. it might be time to trade ol' Kate in. Get an upgrade. So.. I dropped Bertha off over there at Komovoy.. hopped into Kate, and took her for a spin down to.. ah, hell.. what's that place called.. Renee City, over there in Abrocmii. That's it. One of the best spots to buy ships, if you ask me. Considerable discount. When I docked and hopped on out.. I took a walk over to the ship gallery.. and there she was. Kate's successor. A brand-spankin' new Vulture! Wasn't too costly, either.

So.. Kate and I've been through quite a lot.. cracked down on several pirate rings.. picked off a few oppressors trying to stiff arm the little people.. but it was time to trade her in. So, I stripped her parts, got the highest credit I could for 'em, then said goodbye to ol' Kate.. but her Legacy will continue on. I picked the Vulture up, gave her a few upgrades to her internals.. and dubbed her.. Kate MK 2!

Now.. time to break the Lady in, no?

Not lookin' forward to the trip back to Komovoy, though. Bleh.. might stop off in Dahan and see what's good.

Selizar, signing off..
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