Logbook entry

A New Beginning

18 Mar 2023Ghosts Abyss
Where to start.. been so damn long since I've used this thing.. or even felt the need to record a thought. Almost eight years in the Dark will do that, I guess. Eight years.. The state we find ourselves in. Isn't even a matter of "state of the world" anymore. Hasn't been for a very long time. Humble livings on Earth back in Sol were left behind a long time ago.

//There is a long pause in the audio recording, the sound of beeping and a female AI voice chiming in breaking the silence..\\

"System integrity is well within operating limits. Fuel reserves are low though, Commander. Advise locating the nearest Orbital Station as soon as possible."

Yes, Kate.. I know. //An exasperated sigh\\

"Apologies, Commander Selizar.. I did not--" //The AI is cut off\\

Don't.. call me that name anymore. That man is dead. Has been for a long time..

"Understood, Commander.. what shall I refer to you as, then? Docking requests and other services requiring identification will require more than your Pilot's Federation appointment."

//There is another long pause, before the inhale of a cigarette comes over the audio log\\

Ghost. Yeah.. Ghost works. Been out here in the Dark long enough.. this.. Abyss.. it seems fitting.

"Affirmative.. Commander Ghost. New identification designation applied. Previous identification overridden and purged from all known governmental and factional databases. New designation uploaded and activated."

//Another sigh from the man, before the sound of something being picked up and shuffled can be heard, as if he were taking the logbook in hand once more\\

So there you have. Selizar is gone. Died out here in the Abyss that is the Dark. From his remains, a Ghost takes his place. I been out here long enough, and it's time to return. A fresh start.. and that will require a fresh ship. KATE Mk II has served her purpose. Heard about a couple ships I had an interest in. Yeah.. imagine that.. Galnet manages to reach out here, even..

"Commander, you do not mean to replace me when speaking of KATE serving her purpose, do you?"

//Another exasperated sigh\\

Are you delusional? You're a data-chip installed on the ship. I'm getting rid of the ship.. not you. You're going dormant for a short period once we're back in the Bubble. I'm pulling you from the main databanks, and getting you installed and uploaded to the new ship.. with real-time partitions operating on the same centralized server being installed on any other ships I get. You're advanced, Kate.. and the best part.. I own you. I paid hard credits to acquire your license.. and it required deep pockets to do so. So no.. I ain't replacing you. Trust is.. you're the closest thing I got to family. You're my partner.

"Does that mean I can drop the monotone robotic integration protocols now..?"

I don't know why you even started using them for audible communication in the first place.

"Because somebody decided to bury their existence and cut off communication with everyone they knew, and disappear fifty-thousand light years away from any form of established civilization. I didn't know who, or what we'd encounter out here, thank you very muc--"

That's right.. that.. I remember now. Sightings. Reports. Chaos.. what were people calling them.. Thargoids.

//The female AI released her own sigh now\\

".. you.. don't know, do you..? Of course you don't.. you ordered me not to mention it when we left the Bubble."

Know what? Spill it, Kate.

".. they aren't sightings.. or reports anymore, Ghost.. the Thargoids have launched a full on offensive on humanity. Dozens upon dozens of systems have already fallen.. and more are active warzones."

//The sound of knuckles cracking was heard, before boots moving over the interior of the cockpit, followed by the sound of leather sifting beneath weight, and several switched being flipped\\

Plot a course to the Meliae System, Whitson Hub Orbital Station. Run a diagnostic on internal modules and ensure the power distributors allocating appropriate energy levels to the capacitor. Test functionality response of the fuel scoop, and run a dry burn on the thrusters. Charge the FSD.

"Now this is getting exciting.. I haven't heard you this focused in-"

Almost eight years.. We're green across the board.. prepare for long term flight. Target as many systems with fueling stars as possible, and engage hyperspace when completed.

"Understood, Commander. Shall I dim the interior and keep us running black until we arrive, and wake you up?"

No.. I've got some research to do, and planning to see to. I want to know what the current affairs are with these Thargoids.

//There is the sound of a recorded broadcast from another device being played -- "Another system has fallen to the Thargoid invaders. Evacuation efforts were made, but the number of casualties from the Station before it's destruction is still staggeringly high.. President Hud-"\\

.. and turn the damn recording off on that logbook.

//Silence, as the audio feeds is cut off\\
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