Logbook entry

Filling in the gaps

14 Jul 2019Sheronimo
So, Left Colonia area, returned to the bubble. I have found mining to be the most profitable for me, making 30 to 70 million per trip in my Python. Built a Corvette, Beluga, and a Clipper. Opened nearly all the engineers, opened a lot of the tech broker items. Been trying to decide whether I should go exploring some more to get my Elite, or, just keep on local surface mining and community goals. I have really enjoyed the commercial runs in the EIR system. I have built such a huge bank account, I figured I would donate some time to the Witch Head project. I didnt realize that it paid so good, and got a welcome surprise when I made some big profits, and was rewarded good rankings. I think I will continue the runs, easy money, and community involvement.
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