Logbook entry

Interesting observation

05 Mar 2020Sheronimo
So, I am a little confused. I decided about a week ago to head towards MAIA and do my part to clear the galaxy of the Thargoid threat. I bought and built a new shiny ship, named it the Stingray, and headed out. I arrived Sunday morning early. I began jumping into any place that reported aliens and did my best to help. Then, this happened! Yesterday, was on my way back to Maia to reload and repair when suddenly, I was interdicted from hyperspace. Once the ship stopped tumbling, and, I got my head cleared from the wild ride, I heard the classic sound of a Thargoid Cyclops very close. My systems went down for a minute or so, then recovered. I froze. I'm dead, I know it! I slowly turn the ship around with thrusters only, and realize I am point blank range to 2 Thargoid Cyclops. They are side by side, like they are in a wing together, making all kinds of noise. Suddenly, they go silent. I sit there, in silence, sweating, wondering, are they going to attack? They got me, I am right here, when is the end going to come, and how? NOTHING! I scan them, one at a time, moving slowly, no response, no movement, other than a slight change of direction by one of them to keep their nose facing me. NOTHING STILL!. WHY! After a few minutes of staring at each other, I decide, well, if they wanted to kill me, they could have a long time ago. So, I begin to move backward, and they wait for a few seconds, then they start following me. I bring the ship about and floor it, they continue to follow me, a little slower, but, still back there. I wait until they drop off scanners, and I hit the FSD. IM GONE!.

So very curious, if this race is SO hell bent on killing us, then why am I here? Is this a normal thing? Do they do this to other pilots? Maybe I just wasn't a worthy target, though, you would think the 650 scouts I have killed might make them think otherwise. Not sure, but, damned glad it went this way, or, I might not be here writing this log.

This makes me think that when I am done in Maia, I should take a trip around the area and explore some more. I would really like to understand why, with all the cards stacked in their favor, they let me just fly away.
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︎4 Shiny!
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