Logbook entry

Dream come true

06 Apr 2020Sheronimo
After years of waiting, mining, fighting, trading, wishing for something new, it has finally arrived. My very own Fleet Carrier. I cannot wait. I am the ONLY one in my squadron with, well, with any money at all, seriously. Being the Commander, that will work out well for the members. I plan on decking my new carrier out with about anything they will let me order for it. I am continuing the hunt for credits, just in case, but, I have plenty to purchase, and deck out now. I will never understand how pilots can zip around the galaxy, day after day, almost flat broke, but, I digress..... This will be a whole new era for the galaxy, 100's, maybe, soon, 1000's of personal Fleet Carriers, all over the ring. I look forward to my first encounter out in the black. The next 2 months, I will be focused on resources and research, so, I will be more than prepared for my first carrier when I can order it up. Gotta remember to tell them I want a pool and a theater, ya know, for the guests..... hehehehe
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︎1 Shiny!
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