Logbook entry

A New Journey

19 Jun 2020Sheronimo
Finally made up my mind. It is time. I have been playing around the bubble too long. New tools, new adventure. I walk on to my new bridge. I tell the Officer On Deck to have the helm begin plotting a direct route to the Colonia area. Max jumps, and post the course for the crew should there be someone or something we should catch on the way by, more than me on board. I may own it, and everything on it, but, its just too damned big to take it as my personal little ship. Learning a new way of exploring the universe. All ships, all gear, everything I own is on board. No need to stick around. I sent out some invites to some people I know should they want to hitch a ride, we will see who answers. I can hear the buzz on the ship. The combination of talking, working, machinery, electronics, and double time activity as everyone is prepping in some way for the departure. I just returned from my 20th run to Beaufoy Orbital in HR 5630. I parked 4ly away to keep out of the heavy traffic. Every system, in every direction here, is filling up with carriers. I can only assume they are doing the same thing I am, prepping for some adventure. I personally have been hauling fuel for the carrier, 12000 tons worth. No stops for us. We will have enough fuel for the entire trip with no need for stopping, at least, if my math is right. Either way, pretty sure, no matter what happens, we will have another adventure like no other, in our own little mobile station. Ah, the Captain is paging. I better go.
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