Logbook entry

A Good Samaritan!!!

17 Jan 2023JaredCrue
Confronted with the large task of mining thousands of tons of Tritium, I had planned a trickle charge.
Mining a little each day, regardless of other operations.

Last night I posted my plans in various channels, mostly just to announce my endeavor.

This morning after investigating a HVAC issue in my cabin, I decided to go mining.
About midway through my quota, I looked at the navigation panel to a surprise.

Another carrier was close to my own, in a system in the middle of nowhere.
Further investigation determined that it was not a random encounter.

They were filling my carrier with Tritium, they must have seen one of my posts and did their own investigating.
My post lacked some details.

Throughout the day they filled the carrier, I was unable to open comms to thank them.

Old Erikson's Gateway had nearly 6,000 tons on board, the mysterious benefactor brought the number up to 16,069 tons! Nice
More than enough to complete my journey!

I think they are part of STAR.

Cmdr Saimax of the Suboptimal, I thank you greatly!

Another great thing, I finally committed to the Azura Initiative by providing a research vessel.
This role fits my plans for exploration. I'll add more information in another entry.

[End of Transmission]
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