Logbook entry

A Throne Under an Endless Night

27 Jan 2021Tharik Otoli
The Adventures of Prince Tharik Otoli: Space Pirate

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Imperial politics are a fickle indeed. It is entirely possible at any moment for a relatively minor Lord, or in some cases even a former slave and lowly citizen, to suddenly be elevated to a position of leadership in some common system simply by catching the interest of a patron with ambition and a need of allies. This tends to happen on a fairly regular basis when that individual is a highly decorated Imperial Navy officer or even a member of the Imperial Auxiliary. You see, dear reader, Imperials are rather fond of pomp and ceremony and they are especially fond of the Imperial Navy.

Consequently, this brings us to a fairly nondescript mansion on Emerald, the same moon that Princess Aisling Duval calls her home. At the foot of the driveway leading to this stately residence, one among many on this particular avenue, was a fine ironwork gate bearing a large iron "O" encompassing an Imperial Eagle.

Lady Electra Otoli, wife of Captain Commander Prince Tharik Otoli, and youngest daughter of Governor Christian Harrison of the displaced Synteini Imperial Society was standing in her sitting room wearing one of her many casual red sleeveless dresses - blood-red being the standard of the Synteini Imperial Society - her long, straight, dark hair reached down her back. Facing her, was her aforementioned husband, whom she addressed, "What machination is this now, my Love? Who is this patron and why must you now travel to Achenar?"

Tharik sighed and slumped down onto a nearby couch. It was a rare occasion for him not to be wearing in one of his ornate uniforms. Instead, he had donned a bright red kimono as he was in his own home and intended to be as comfortable as possible. After having paused a moment he motioned for Electra to sit beside him and said, "Dearest, this is a path forward for us, and I will be home with you and the children much more often."

"Oh? Is that so husband? Do explain," replied Electra as she sat down beside her husband.

Tharik grinned and launched into a pitch that would make a fine Galnet headline, "There is a power vacuum that has opened up in a frontier system on the edge of Imperial space near the Federation border." He clenched a fist in front of him, "I intend for my Imperial Corsairs to fill that vacuum and create a permanent base of operations for my brave privateers!"

Electra recoiled in shock, "What? No! Tharik! Not again! We have moved thrice in these past three years! We cannot keep uprooting the children!"

Tharik opened his fist and immediately softened his tone, it was not the response he had hoped to hear, but it was one he was prepared for, "Of course we can. Maximus will soon be off on his own attending the Imperial Science Academy. Rictus makes friends everywhere he goes, and young Janus just wants me to be home from space." Tharik stroked his wife's shoulder and looked into her eyes doing his best to console her, "Furthermore, they are young Imperial Lords and these early experiences will temper them."

Electra exhaled softly, "Oh Tharik, I do not wish to leave Emerald! I shall miss Prism's Shades and the Winter Ball at Princess Aisling's palace."

Tharik nodded while trying to appeal to Electra's vanity, "Love, you have seen Prism's Shades many times, and why would you want to attend a ball where you are barely noticed in an endless parade of inconsequential Lords and Ladies? Would you not want your own palace? Your own ball? You can be a true Queen my love, and my title will be much more than a mere Imperial Auxiliary Rank!"

"Aye Tharik, a Queen under a glass dome on a lifeless world, no doubt," quipped Lady Otoli.

Tharik was quick with a reply, for he had rehearsed this in a mirror several times, "...and yet, perched atop a silver spire, with all the comforts any woman could imagine, all beneath a pristine sky permanently full of stars. You will rule by my side, and I will have little reason to sail the black anymore."

Electra smirked, "Oh Tharik, you do have a way with words, but your raw ambition reminds me of my father. Tell me that this won't be our undoing."

She was right of course, Governor Christian Harrison was a bitter man, once a powerful leader on a core Imperial world, and now relegated to being the master of a singular starport circling a barren world. Yet Tharik was ready with another practiced retort, "People want to be led my dear. Give them a banner to wave, a cause to unite under, and a charismatic leader to worship and they will follow that ruler round the Wayfarer's Graveyard, and round the Formidine Rift, and round perdition's flames before they give him up!"

Electra giggled, she didn't always recognize the source but she enjoyed it when Tharik quoted Ancient Earth literature, "Aye husband, I suppose I would like my own palace."

Join the Adventures and have YOUR character featured in my logbooks, collectively titled, "The Adventures of Prince Tharik Otoli: Space Pirate." If any Commander, whether you RP / write fan fiction or not, would like to be included in my stories or perhaps even collaborate on a story to add to the richness of the Elite Universe, please PM me, Tharik Otoli. Thank you.
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