Logbook entry

The Adventures of Prince Tharik Otoli: Space Pirate

22 Apr 2022Tharik Otoli

"You are an amazing writer man! winky face"
- Some random Commander who I'm friends with

"As mediocre amateurs go, he's one of the best."
- This guy on discord.

"Ah! Your<sic> one of those dorks that write fan-fic on Inara. Eat me."
- A n00b I ganked

"I mean, if you're really bored..."
- My own family members

"You don't have anything else to do during Coronavirus anyway..."
- The CDC

"Drunken cyber-space vomit from a dangerously unstable man."
- My brave Corsairs themselves

"Any Dog can call themself<?> a pirate."
- A fun-loving friend.

"Tharik is salty because I killed him."
- A 12 year old edge-lord who didn’t like what I said about his mom.

"...a common writer on Inara with decent content."
- The de-facto leader of a decent sized and relatively common Imperial group.

"...I respect your outreach wording."
- A long time fan trying to say how much he likes my logbooks.

Delve into the exciting world of Imperial Corsair Prince Tharik Otoli! Once an Imperial Space Marine turned Noble Lord, then turned space-pirate, and then a space-politician, the adventures of Prince Tharik Otoli are always sure to excite and entrance!

Based on my actual gameplay, mostly anyway, or to be more accurate, often making light of ridiculous game mechanics or lore in a game I truly love.

So, I think I joined Elite nearly three years ago. I plodded around just playing the game, earning money, and ultimately becoming a Duke and getting myself a Cutter, something at the time I considered the pinnacle of an Imperial Career, though I had barely even scratched the surface of engineering. So, after noticing that Torval HQ in Synteini, a system nearby the system that I started calling my "home," had flipped to Independent I became slightly aghast and headed to the forums to make sense of this and rally the Imperial cause! This would be my first tepid foray into any true multi-player engagement, in spite of having played in Open often enough, at least enough to stop being salty about being ganked.

Well, it turns out that somehow this development was acceptable and benefits something called "Power Play" - honesty who knows or even cares what THAT is - and no one really wanted to do anything about it. However, that fateful post led to me meeting some folks from Loren's Legion and joining their squad. They are a really great group of guys and gals who's senior members had been around from the beginning, and those characters had major roles in the Salome event leading to them being featured in Drew Wagar's second official Elite novel. Furthermore, one of them is an avid amateur writer and has even continued their stories through his own unofficial novels!

They had a discord set up where they did some Role-Playing, I was a DnD player decades ago so I jumped right in! It was really my first time doing this kind of online discord RP and no doubt I made plenty of faux-pas. The first one, which became apparent to me, had to do with my character's backstory. I had constructed this idea of being a displaced nobleman from the Synteini Imperial Society - the faction that used to control Synteini and the one I was mainly supporting in my "home" - based on my Imperial Rank of "Duke," which shortly thereafter became "Prince." It was pointed out to me that those ranks, by lore, are only "honorary" and it made sense that it should be that way for a number of reasons having to do with RP etiquette. I will be honest and say, being told I can't or shouldn't be doing something only made me want to do more of it. From that point, I began exaggerating the haughty qualities of my character as well as mashing up 70's era sci-fi with themes from Caribbean Piracy during the Age of Sail. Why? Because PIRATES. Happily, my squadmates kindly tolerated this and even perhaps encouraged it.

All this ultimately led to "The Adventures of Prince Tharik Otoli: Space Pirate" my sometimes parody of the game, a sometimes serious attempt at sci-fi / horror, but always meant in good fun. I really hope you all have time to check out some of them. I feel like I keep getting better at this and I am quite proud of the most recent stories, I have received more than a few compliments at this point and that has encouraged me to do more. These stories continue the adventures of my character after he left Loren's Legion building on my RP, and recalling some of it, during my time with them.

All the stories CAN be read stand-alone, though they are certainly tied together, and they are all purposely crafted to be very short so as to appeal to a wider audience. I don't imagine myself so skilled as to be able to hold anyone's attention for long and to be honest, I can only write so much. I draw from the game, the lore, and even my own family and my own life, as I suppose many authors do. I really enjoyed writing these and I hope you can take some time to read a few. Oh, and they each also include illustrations!

Thank you so much for your time!

-Tharik Otoli (not really a Prince)

In order by published date:

A Purveyor of Rare and Taboo Goods
Tharik returns from Colonia only to disappoint his wife by refusing to retire as he said he would.

La Concorde
It finally occurs to Tharik that a Krait MkII can actually be a better pirate ship than a Cutter when chasing smaller ships. Also, didn't you know? He's famous!

Bay 21
An orphan boy wanders into the wrong hangar.

A Boy's Best Friend
Young Janus Otoli is saved by his pet. Inspired by my own son and his cat.

Senatum Arbitrium
Imperial machinations among minor factions. Based on an actual in-game BGS struggle.

High Crimes and Misdemeanors
Tharik sets up a small business and is dismayed to learn his crew started a prostitution ring. Also has elements of the results of in-game BGS actions.

The Enemy of thy Enemy
Tharik joins The Code as a privateer to fight for Riedquat.

Unholy Trinity
Tharik is reunited with characters from his time in Loren's Legion. Also, more Riedquat.

No Nightclubs This Time...
A continuation of the previous story. The crew takes on a job from an enigmatic client.

Et tu, Brute?
A hapless pilot and a famous character run afoul of our heroes.

There Came Hail and Fire Mixed with Blood
The exchange for contracted items goes down, and NPCs stick their noses where they don't belong. (Another Commander and I actually RP'ed these events in-game!)

Imperial Letter of Marque and Reprisal
I found a historical(?) Letter of Marque online and had a little fun with it.

Hell Hath No Fury
The crew travels to Grebegus to meet the leader of The Spice Smugglers. (The first of my logbooks written on behalf of another PC about his character.)

Caring is Sharing
Straight-up PvP piracy as it often goes down in-game, and an homage to a classic.

From Hell's Heart...
A sci-fi horror short story and the much sought after in-game "reason" for "ganking." (Another logbook featuring someone else's character.)

The Ingénue in Paresa
Lady Electra Otoli attends a formal function and Hadrian Duval tries coming onto her. Inspired - loosely, no pun intended - by my wife and her eldest son. (One more about another PC as well.)

A Prefatory Offer
Lady Electra Otoli is made an incredible offer that could cost the Otolis more than they are willing to give. (References an in-game PvP Squadron.)

...But They Still Did Have History
Tharik still fights battles from his past.

A Favorable Reflection
Why would a pirate risk his own life to save humanity? He wouldn't. Join the crew as they indulge in the timeworn "Mirror Universe" formula for this episode.

The Legend of the StarBomb and Maia: Introduction
Many years past, retired First Mate of the Justicar, Bill Redbeard, recounts tales of high adventure!

The Legend of the StarBomb and Maia: The Pirate King of the Pleiades
Tharik is granted a Letter of Marque by Grand Scribe inquisitor Jubei Himura and they both hatch a scheme to plunder in Maia.

The Legend of the StarBomb and Maia: I
The venerable Bill Redbeard continues spinning his yarn while a young pilot doubts the veracity of the story.

The Legend of the StarBomb and Maia: Showdown at the Starbomb Bar, PART I
Tharik instigates a gunfight in a seedy bar between three factions resulting in a bloodbath.

The Legend of the StarBomb and Maia: II
Our junior space-man is shocked to learn Bill Redbeard claims to be a retired, and exceptional, criminal. Yet, a young beauty spurs him to stay and tolerate Bill's yarn.  

The Legend of the StarBomb and Maia: Showdown at the Starbomb Bar, PART II
The impotent authorities question Lord Himura and Tharik exploits the legal system.

The Legend of the StarBomb and Maia: III
The sultry scarlet seductress is stunned by the ineptitude of the galaxy's law enforcement agencies.

The Legend of the StarBomb and Maia: The Path and the Goal
Political unrest forces the Otoli family to flee Prism while Tharik and Jubei discuss a path forward.

The Legend of the StarBomb and Maia: IV
Few souls in the galaxy are lucky enough to so much as observe the cabaret at McSpacey's Old Ale House much less be seduced by a dancer, yet Edison Trent is an atypically charmed man. Still, Redbeard's tale has stolen the show.

The Legend of the StarBomb and Maia: Something to Sleep On
Our heroes mull over the day's events and prepare for action!

The Legend of the StarBomb and Maia: V
Edison insists that Bill's story needs more action. Bill questions whether or not Edison even knows what action is.

The Legend of the StarBomb and Maia: The Ties That Bind, PART I
The crew storms a wayward T-7 and finds more than they expected.

The Legend of the StarBomb and Maia: VI
Why wouldn't a person want to be rescued into Imperial slavery and a chance at citizenship? Bill Redbeard is baffled by the question, and our saga continues.

The Legend of the StarBomb and Maia: The Ties That Bind, PART II
The authorities arrive and a space-battle ensues! Afterwards, a celebration occurs.

The Legend of the StarBomb and Maia: VII
Edison Trent prepares to teach Bill Redbeard a lesson about morality, by punching him in the face. As such, our tale is coming to a close.

The Legend of the StarBomb and Maia: CONCLUSION
A secret identity is revealed and Jubei leaves a farewell message for our hero.

The Legend of the StarBomb and Maia: Epilogue
Edison Trent has better things to do now that our story has finished and a Galnet revelation lends credence to Bill's yarn.

The Devil ye Know...
The crew celebrates the New Year! Happy New Year to all from the Imperial Corsairs!

The Best Things in Life... That Money Can Buy
We bid a fond farewell to the infamous Bill Redbeard and welcome a new First Mate! (A player!)

A Throne Under an Endless Night
Imperial machinations present Tharik with an incredible opportunity but Lady Electra is skeptical.

No One Can Hear You Scream... You're On Mute
The Corsairs happen upon a derelict Fleet Carrier and Tharik enacts the next stage of his scheme.

The Ruler of the Queen's Navee
On a frontier mining system a military junta representing a small, newly formed faction laments their fate while Tharik’s reputation precedes him.

All That Glitters...
Tharik's plan comes to fruition with a landslide election victory but a desperate violent act leaves Electra bereaved.

Family First
A formal ball is held on Paresa in honor of the new treaty between the Imperial Corsairs and Nova Imperium while Electra taunts Tharik as they prepare for the party.

It Just Fell off a Cargo Ship...
The economy of an entire system comes crashing down and the Imperial Corsairs are suspected to be behind the disaster.

The Pirates of Paresa
A number of Corsairs accompany Tharik and Electra to the wedding of Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval and one corsair creates quite a ruckus.

The War of Large Furry Bosoms
Tharik becomes a constitutional monarch allowing him to relax and take a step back from the affairs of state, but inadvertently starts a war in the most hilarious way possible.

Once a Dream Did Weave a Shade...
What is possibly the conclusion of "The Adventures" and the end of Tharik's tale- Tharik's true nature is finally revealed and Electra comforts our distraught hero.

Join the Adventures and have YOUR character featured in my logbooks, collectively titled, "The Adventures of Prince Tharik Otoli: Space Pirate." If any Commander, whether you RP / write fan fiction or not, would like to be included in my stories or perhaps even collaborate on a story to add to the richness of the Elite Universe, please PM me, Tharik Otoli. Thank you.
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