Lost Souls 3 Expedition Log - 33080330
30 Mar 2022XpressioN
The Lost Souls 3 Expedition
Last week was quite busy. The engagements from a lot of parties in need of support was becoming way exhausting. I've met with a CMDR friend of mine the other day when I was about to retire back to my carrier, and offered me to accompany her to a local bar to have a chat. It was quite a long time since I've met her and despite for the fact that I was tired I didn't actually recognised her. Meeting an old friend and share a lifetime of adventures was a good excuse to use the last reserves of energy for a good snack and a couple of drinks.
We used to engage ourselves in a lot of trading runs for the emperor, and we've made stories for ourselves. We kept doing it till we earned the Elite rank in trading. Then we parted ways and we barely heard about each other again. In the meantime I had enrolled myself for the combat rank. She was not of the same thought so she definitely gone exploring the void. Once I gained the Elite rank in combat I got highly recommended to operate for a particular wealthy faction doing bounty hunting that paid quite reasonable.
We talked for quite some time over a couple of drinks, and suggested me doing something different to ease the work stress a bit. She tried to convince me to enrol myself for an expedition. Something I've never done. I visited a lot of systems throughout my career however doing a lengthy expedition was certainly not my forte. It was time to leave and rest so we saluted and parted ways. The next morning I received a msg from her with the details of this expedition.
Lost Souls 3 - was being organised by a minor faction called 'The Fatherhood' I sat down and started researching about their endeavours. This expedition is about to hit a region of space quite unknown to me, and was eager to explore one day. This in turn changed my mind and decided to enrol myself. First things first. I needed a ship, a comfortable one that meets the eye, and offer all the options for deep exploration. I had in mind an Anaconda with an 80Ly jump range however having the cockpit way behind was not going to be the best option for my tastes. A Diamondback Explorer was a good choice but too small to fit my necessities. The dilemma was between an Asp Explorer and a Krait Phantom. After a lot of research my choice was the Krait Phantom.
I had one parked in my carrier. It was a sitting duck collecting dust and used it for some {detracted} jobs. Called a couple of engineers to have it in order, and reduce its weight considerably. All engineers were happy to trade in some materials and do the necessary engineering. Since I've known some of them for a long time they even added some of their special treats and experimentals. The following are the details of their engineering and achievements:
Type - Krait Phantom
Name - Melpomene
Role - Deep Space Exploration
Value - 76,287,467 Cr
Insurance Cost - 3,454,875 Cr
Core Internals
4A Power Plant - Armoured G5 / Stripped Down
5D Thrusters - Dirty G5 / Stripped Down
5A Frame Shift Drive - Increased Range G5 / Mass Manager
4D Life Support - Lightweight G5
2A Power Distributor - Engine Focused G5 / Stripped Down
6D Sensors - Lightweight G5
5C Fuel Tank
1I Lightweight Alloy - Heavy Duty G5 / Deep Plating
Utility Mount
0I Heat Sink Launcher - Lightweight G5
Optional internal
6A Fuel Scoop
5H Guardian Fsd Booster
4G Planetary Vehicle Hangar
3D Repair Limpet Controller
3D Shield Generator - Enhanced Low Power G5 / Stripped Down
3A Auto Field-Maintenance Unit
3A Auto Field-Maintenance Unit
2E Cargo Rack
1I Detailed Surface Scanner - Expanded Probe Scanning Radius G5
Speed [Top | Boost] - 365 | 511m/s
Pitch/Roll/Yaw - 45.28 | 131.47 | 14.61 deg/s
Jump Min/Current/Max - 70.15 | 70.71 | 75.69Ly
Total Power - 17.47MW
One of the engineers recommended an exotic paintjob for this Phantom, and suggested to check Schwann Port which is an Orbis Starport in the system of Hajangai. Owned by 'The Fatherhood', upon requesting docking permission, I was well treated and got enrolled for this majestic expedition.
So the commencement of this expedition is set to start on the 1st. of April 3308 - 20:00:00. Got a couple of days for the last checks. I'm looking forward to make new friends and look forward to visit those wonderful systems Elite has to offer.