Cmdr nixpulvis
Scientist / Hacker
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Krait Mk II NIX-11
Overall assets
New Pilots Initiative

Logbook entry

STATUS: 3306-06-07 18:18 Borann A 2 B Ring

07 Jun 2020nixpulvis
As I sit here out in the open, staring at the sun's reflection off the nearby
planet's perimeter, I wonder... Am I close enough to the gateway? Am I crossing
the threshold? Do I have what it takes? Am I made for the challenge!?

Time passes slowly, yet there only remains a couple more days before it all
changes. Oh how time flies, but I'll be back. Just like the scars left upon
this asteroid. Persistent, everlasting, and careless. We rock and roll through
this existence.

Nothing bittersweet this time, change is pure.

On a more practical note:

  • My fleet is in a bit of disrepair, more of this later
  • The holosuit is off pressure a bit. I'm investigating a solution with the
    local scientific community, however they withhold direct advise. I suspect
    fear of liability (as usual)
  • Finances are stabilizing after these last few runs, but remain highly
    uncertain. I hope I remain capable of achieving my goals here
  • In the coming days it will be, once again, time to turn attention back upon
    my friends (and enemies)

For now,

P.S. Ship destroyed by Hilton McWeeney with 200T of LTD onboard.
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