Logbook entry


24 Nov 2020Kail Astin
The mining has been continuing for days now (it seems a lot longer). New CMDR's arrive, get fitted and fly off into the darkness wide-eyed with dreams of riches and return hardened miners in T9's with that 5,000m stare. ATC can get real messy at times. Madeline is an angel, I don't know how she keeps her cool.

I think the carrier's plumbing might be fucked, I keep hearing announcements of problems involving biowaste. Seriously I expected more for 5B. My depressions grows. My wrist is sore & I've hit the bottle again. I look forward to a good war, a good vs bad war, no grey shit. I'm not fussy, but goid scouts would be nice. They're dicks, I enjoy murdering them.
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