Logbook entry

Chromatic Aberration

29 Nov 2020Kail Astin
Eternity's Gate is currently assisting Chromatic Aberration in establishing their squadron and providing new CMDR support ops.

The PWA. Still broken & still no word from the manufactures. The guys in Engineering lost all patience and stripped several PWA's down. They told me that the emitter heads had been installed backwards on every unit they opened. I'm not sure about that, the PWA is Pilots Fed licensed bit of kit. You open one of those things and all the sensitive stuff turns into trace gases. Maybe what they saw was just result of the propriety and protected stuff cooking off. The emitter head being installed backwards just sounds too crazy to me.. the A class ones we have are like +1m credits a pop. Yea.. that would be highly unusual.

The mining markets are still experiencing a period of "instability" (read. complete collapse).

The apparent plumbing apocalypse continues unabated.

The MO reports that if the amount eye-rolling exhibited by the engineers on hearing the word "biowaste" continues there will be causalities. I must check with Doc, I'm not sure if she means the eye-rolling will cause the causalities or she will. I fear the later, there's an awful lot of improvised weapons in the Med bay.
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