Logbook entry

Pulse Wonky Analyser

04 Dec 2020Kail Astin
The PWA saga continues. Following some extensive testing, engineering has gathered some video evidence of the PWA problems and after seeing it, nobody here thinks it's a hardware issue. We contacted the manufacture & arranged a meeting to present the evidence. It did not go well. They were completely unaware of the issue and didn't seem to know what could be causing it either. They actually seemed genuinely surprised, which was fairly disconcerting. They made some vague statements about a priority top level something or another and hastily departed. And that was that. RIP all the mining.

Operations continue with Chromatic Aberration (CERN). They've submitted their registration and we're now waiting on the grinding wheels of bureaucracy to do their thing at a speed that us mere mortals cannot possibly fathom or, as most people see it, incomprehensibly slowly. Work continues helping the CERN team set-up, with new CMDR's arriving almost daily at the moment.

If it wasn't for the Empire and the Federation about to go to war with each other and the Alliance poking the Thargoid bee-hive whilst everybody is distracted, then things would be merely bad. Unfortunately all concerned seem to have lost their collective senses at the same time. Maybe the Thargoids will send us a reality check and, without even a hint of irony, save us all.
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