Cmdr Anden Beliam
Explorer / Freelancer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Overall assets
The Buur Pit
Li Yong-Rui

Logbook entry

Returning From Above the Plane

01 Oct 2021Anden Beliam
"There has been a call for data collected by Saud Kruger in search of new destinations. Especailly for ones with a view." The Halestorms voice came over the comm.

"You don't say." I say, stepping out of the refresher and begin drying off.

"They also say they are looking for systems with Earth like worlds." Hale says.

"Sounds like a good time. We might find some of those if we head up above the galactic plane." I say, gearing up into my explorers outfit and checking my bio analyser, "Might need to do some adjustments on it before we make landfall. You mind putting on the mix?"

"The usual, sir?" Hale asks, the gentle hum of the ship familiar and welcoming. Home. It's home.

"You know it." I say with a smile, pouring some coffee into my mug and walking towards the lift to the concourse leading to the command deck.

"Hey boss. Gonna see any action today? I've got that update you asked for on the fighter." Kalia calls out from lounging in one of the copilot chairs.

She was always ready for a fight. Even though she was young, her skills had advanced quickly. Especailly after the mess in Cornsar. I didn't think we were heading in for any trouble out in the black. never really could tell. Even far the short ways out in the black.

"I don't think so, Leka. But you never know. Hale is plotting a course above the plane. Gotta look for a place with a view for those Kruger guys." I say settling into the my chair.

I can feel her roll her eyes as she sighs. I grin, not surprised. She never really did like heading out deep into the black. Not when there wasn't any action. What she didn't know was that it was easy and safe money compared to putting for a fight. She never complained about that.

"Tell ya what. I'll let you see how fast you can push the fighter if we find a body with come good canyons."

"You promise?!" she says jumping out of her chair, "Seriosly."

"Cross my heart." I say, and she thrusts a fist up in vistory.

"I'm going to go check on the drives and give her a double over. Just in case!" she says while I hear her running out the deck door, "Call me if ya need anything!"

I smile and take another sip of the coffee. The aromatic smell filling my little alcove of looking out into the heavens. I would need to head back to Sol sometime. Best place to get the best price on the best coffee. Even with all the other worlds discovered. They just didn't match up. Sol, I think to myself. My first home that is now my second home. The chime of the jump drive gearing up for a jump rang in the background of my mind.

"Plot has been set, sir. First jump commencing in 5...." Hale says.

I lean the chair back slightly. slinding down a bit and getting comfy as the visual changes and I feel the jolt and rush of the Halestorm breaking any notion of reality and possibility cea dozen centuries ago. Some how... after all the jumps it never ceased to amaze me. It never truly got old.

Time to look for some good sights, I think to myself.
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