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What a few months difference makes...

14 Dec 2020Nathaniel Burke
Date: 14 Dec 3306

I take a break for several months to relax on Earth and we almost have outright war break out. But, it looks like cooler heads prevailed, and now I'm rolling on a tradeship moving supplies to help out my boss as he gets ready to set up four new personal markets for himself. And let's be real, Li probably does have the best interests of the Marlinists in mind, but he's definitely also thinking about how amicable they're gonna be to his products when he gives them a home to live in, away from the Empire. He'll be able to name the prices and they'll eat it up like candy.

Navka's still missing. No idea what happened to that woman. She mentioned running off to some crazy planet with stuff out of an ancient 20th century Japanese cartoon. I knew she was cracked, but damn. Still, I'm not alone, at least: I got my first mate, Savanna Watts, with me. We're planning to spend Christmas somewhere quiet. But for the time being, I'm chasing a credit reward - the people who donate the most to the relief effort are getting a bigass check from mister Yong-rui himself. I don't even wanna think about how little sleep the top ten traders are getting to hold onto that standing. I'm happy enough being in the top ten percent, myself. Markets are volatile, but there's always a place to buy automatic fabricators on the cheap. Eight million credit profits for just seven jumps round trip is pretty swell, all things considered. And most of that journey is empty space, so pirates aren't even an issue until I'm making my way back to Ellis Gateway. Couple close calls, but I know my way around a system, and so far I've been lucky enough that every jackass who's tried to rob me can't interdict worth a damn.

Hm, maybe I'll take Savanna with me and skip over to Skuta for a bit. Huge bounty opportunities and its right next door.

Nah. I'm not friends with enough engineers to make that a sane prospect.
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