Logbook entry

At the Edge of Everything

23 Dec 2020Nathaniel Burke
DATE: Dec 23 3306

When I signed up with the man known only as the Buur and his motly crew of monkey-loving mercenaries, I expected to be chilling out and flying with one of the more sedate mini-nations in the Bubble. I didn't expect to be hand-picked for a rescue mission to the Roof of the Galaxy. See, a friend of Buur's, some clown by the callsign of CMDR Mach1ne (the 1 is intentional, some memes are eternal) decided while he was up there to go noodling around in a secure area. His ship got clapped, and they dragged his sorry ass back to the Bubble for a stay on a prison ship... leaving his carrier stranded with a skeleton crew and an empty tank. So Buur calls out to the Protectorate's most visible pilots asking who will join him as he flies up to the top of space to ferry Mach1ne back to his carrier. Given I've been out to scan some extremely far away places, I said I was in. Now I'm sitting on the front observation deck of Buur's carrier, staring at the great black void above the galactic disc, as we slowly run out of stars to jump towards.

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