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12 Dec 2021Nathaniel Burke
So, you have Salvation handing out shiny new toys yet again. That sticky pawed smartass the Winking Cat seems to be gearing up for the heist of the century. A new Duval for the Marlinists to vilify was born last month. And Savanna has parted ways with me to rejoin the Federal Navy. But I managed to find a new partner while moving some platinum, nice gal named Daisy Lane. Told me she used to help bust smugglers hauling narcotics, and I knew we'd get along just fine - I don't deal in happy grass, and I don't deal in slaves unless it's getting their asses out of Imperial space. Kinda wish I could just hire three people without needing to deal with other Commanders - we're a capricious lot, and I speak from experience - but some old law says you can't have more than one unlicensed hireling on your crew. Load of bullshit, that one. Still, all the fuss about the one man trying to squish the Goids means most of the pirates are out near Maia and the like harassing people moving super secret tech - perfect time to sell platinum. Trade was how I earned my Shinrarta Dezra permit, and that's how I plan to become a billionare once again. Tied up a lot of credits in the Starmancer, and I'm still intent on adding more. Once we finally get those permits to let civilians fly on carriers, I'm contacting Apex Interstellar about putting a branch office on mine.

Think I'm gonna have to give up on ever seeing Navka Darius again. She's completely vanished off the face of the universe. Wonder if she was serious about that nutty fantasy land of hers...
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