Logbook entry

Business is About to Pick Up

23 Dec 2021Nathaniel Burke
Boy did things get interesting. A Bubble-wide messaage went out to all the Commanders working for Sirius Corp that we are gonna be arm in arm with the Alliance for the time being. Now, Mahon's a bit of a shady clown, but that's part and parcel of working in politics, and the Alliance basically is the only force doing anything to fight the Goids right now, what with the Imps and Feds constantly gutting Aegis harder and harder to butter up Salvation. Me, I'm just happy to help the company. Is Li honest? Mostly. I'd put money down he's using the Marlinists and that rat bastard Archon to his own ends. But the salient point is that he pays. Well. And that is the main thing I care about, so long as I'm not suddenly asked to haul slaves or smuggle drugs. I mean, weapons, that's one thing. Everyone should be entitled to a single firearm. That's how it works on Earth. But I am not pushing Onionhead or moving slaves for anyone, regardless of the pay.

As for the home front, Buur apparently is spreading the joy of space monkeys to even more systems. Not everyone is willing to appreciate the little fuzzballs, so Daisy and I are planning a bit of, to quote a very ancient space wizard from the 20th century, aggressive negotiations. Should be fun. And Daisy needs a lot of experience - the people we'll be squaring up with are a lot meaner than the happy grass peddlers she's used to shooting. Plus I'm looking to make Triple Elite. Not many Commanders do that, and it's a point of pride when you're on Jameson. I'm not retiring anytime soon, but I mean to set up the old 401k, as it were. Hm, wonder if the Pilots Federation will have something new and fun for us this weekend...
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