Cmdr Griff Rogers
Explorer / Scientist
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom IEA
Overall assets
Independent Explorers Assoc.
Li Yong-Rui

Logbook entry

New Beginning

22 Feb 2020Griff Rogers
Having traveled a wide arc through the Perseus Transit, I was heading back toward the bubble, stopping to explore the Rosette Nebula area of space, when i happened upon an unexpected deep space station, burrowed into the surface of an asteroid by the New Dawn Commune, which is apparently attempting to terraform a new home in the system, Rosette Sector CQ-Y d59. I was extremely tired, and my ship had taken significant hull damage, mostly from a malfunctioning flight assist system that kept slamming me into planets it was supposed to be orbiting. Right now i have two AFMUs on board, and I think it is time to swap the smaller one out for a repair limpet controller, so that i can repair my own hull even out in the blackness of deep space. I was just as happy to have a place to rest for a few minutes, restock, and have some needed repairs done. Though I am not impressed by what passes for entertainment for the religious fanatics residing on this barren asteroid. Let's hope they make more of their planet when they finish terraforming it.
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