Cmdr Griff Rogers
Explorer / Scientist
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom IEA
Overall assets
Independent Explorers Assoc.
Li Yong-Rui

Logbook entry

We are not Alone

22 Feb 2020Griff Rogers
I had headed out to investigate the crash site of a Thargoid vessel, an actual alien ship! I was surprised at first to find panels wrought by human hands, apparently from the fighters that brought the alien vessel down, but I eventually found the scattered remnants of the Thargoid. It has such an organic look, so different from its neighbors, as if the vessel itself was the alien life form, and I was now scavenging its bones. And interesting technology it had left for me.

Yet I fear my scavenged materials brought along a curse, like the archaeologists found when they unearthed ancient Egyptian mummies on old earth. for barely had I initiated my hump through hyperspace to carry my scavenged alien technology away, when I began to experience a flickering orange nightmare, and was pulled out of hyperspace back into the system. Never before had I witnessed such an event, although I had heard horror stories from other commanders.

My systems went dead, leaving me floating, helpless. And then it came for me. A dark shadow, as if the very blackness were reaching out to pull me back into the abyss, some evil presence in that system that cannot tolerate other life, no matter how fragile and human. I know now that we are not alone, and I find that I can never again enter the blackness of space without being accompanied by the shadow of that strange, curved vessel, reaching out to embrace me with its bright yellowish-green tendrils, like some alien flower unfolding to reveal dark secrets.

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