Cmdr Edbacayo
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Logbook entry

Made my 1st trip outside the bubble today

08 May 2020Edbacayo
Seen a lot of photos from other explorers here and thought the sites are just beautiful. So, I decided to refit my multi purpose Anaconda for travel. I'm not sure I'd endure it so I basically just removed the hardpoints, SLV, reinforcements so it's easier if I decide not to pursue.

I really have no destination in mind. Initially wanted to try out somewhere close and went for the Witch head. I enjoyed the journey and so, from there, I went to the Orion nebula and went straight to Barnard's loop.

1st landing. To take a breather and think about where to go next.

Take off to the next destination, the black hole at Orion. HR 1918

Moving around the black hole feels trippy. HR 1918 B

Next stop, going somewhere toward Barnard's loop. Color cloud everywhere you look.

Anaconda looks like a spec of dust in the middle. Space is so huge.
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︎6 Shiny!
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