Logbook entry

Initial Log Book Entry

Well, here goes nothing.

I figured I should probably record something here just in case I don't make it back from my next trip. My plan is to head out for Beagle Point on the evening of December 24th, 3306 with hopes to get to my destination no later than the evening of January 3rd 3307. I won't be using the neutron highway as I damage my ship enough by accident when I'm out in the black that I don't need to damage it on purpose. I do plan on routing my way through the various DSSA Fleet Carriers between Jameson Memorial and Beagle Point while FSSing every system I visit and DSSing any TWW or ELWs that haven't already been DSS'd by someone else. This is the same way that I did my trip out to Colonia, Sag A*, and back to the bubble last July. That trip took 13 days to complete, but I was doing long distance travel for the first time, so this time I won't be learning how to make the trip efficiently. I also have the Guardian FSD booster now so instead of a 63.99 light year maximum jump range, I'll have a 72.40 light year maximum jump range even though I'm carrying a fighter bay that I didn't have when I went out to Colonia. I don't know if I'll actually use the fighter on this trip as I'm going alone, but I may land on some of the moons and drive my SRV around to get some good photos.

Once I get out to Beagle Point, I may take a side trip to the furthest point from Sol, before heading back home. I'll be bringing along plenty of Jumponium, so if I decide to take that side trip, I should be able to handle it.

The return trip though is where the real fun will start. My intention is to explore my way back home using economy travel so I hit as many systems as I can. If I'm lucky, I will have  snagged enough exploration data to buy a Fleet Carrier and put down 10 years of maintenance on it by the time I get back. I just reached 5 billion unspent credits a couple days ago, and I hope to get most of the rest of the purchase price down before I go. The exploration data I collect on this trip will then be used towards maintenance costs for at least 10 years.

I hope that I can be back home at Jameson Memorial by April 3307 although I'm not going to hurry my way back.
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