Logbook entry

Day 0 Beagle Point Trip

Today (December 22nd) I picked up a Type 10 Defender and used it to store my 7 new Pack Hound missile racks as well as 1 of my Size 8 Prismatic Shields. I also bought some other components to finish up an anti-pirate build. I figured I might as well get a Type 10 while they are on sale. I'm not really interested in any of the other ships that are on sale, but a Type 10 looks amusing to fly. I'll do all the engineering on my new purchase after I get back from Beagle Point. Its going to need quite a bit as the unengineered power plant is 17% shy of what is needed to run the whole ship and the power distributor will have a hard time recharging the weapons capacitor after an alpha strike with the Pack Hounds. I'm curious to see what 7 Pack Hounds going off all at once does to pirates in Haz Rez Zones.

This will be ship #16 for me although 4 of them (FAS, FDL, Corvette, and Type 10) are all outfitted for Haz Rez Zone combat. I am trying out various fixed weapons on the FAS and FDL. After nearly 40 years of trying to hit targets with fixed weapons, I still believe that I would miss a Fleet Carrier when I'm docked inside it when I fire fixed weapons. The Corvette is what I take out when I just want to blow up the bad guys. The Type 10 will be when I want to celebrate something with lots of explosive fireworks.

The actual reason for this log is to note that my arrangements for my trip to Beagle Point took less time than I expected. So I'll be departing a full day earlier than I originally planned.

I am now scheduled to depart sometime in the afternoon of December 23rd 3306.

I hope to keep a daily log of my progress on this trip at least on the outbound leg. On the way home I will probably only log any interesting sights or events.

Tonight I'm going to get a good night's sleep in my bed at Jameson Memorial. I don't expect to sleep in it again until sometime in April, 3307.
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︎3 Shiny!
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