Logbook entry

Day 1 Beagle Point Trip

Well, the first day of my trip to Beagle Point is in the books.

I departed Jameson Memorial at 2:45pm and docked at DSSA Sesame in the Floarps PI-B E2 system at 10:00pm after 201 jumps. The initial plot was for 200 jumps exactly, but I had to switch from fastest route to fastest route using scoopable stars several times and that ended up adding 1 additional jump to the total. Found quite a few systems where the star was discovered, but many if not all of the planets were not discovered, and was able to DSS 6 TWW that had never been DSS'd before. Only saw 3 ELWs along the way, but all of them had been DSS'd by someone else. Interestingly I encountered no black holes or neutron stars along the route, except for the destination system.

I've visited this DSSA Fleet Carrier once before on my trip last July from Sag A* back to the bubble. Instead of backtracking along the route I used in July, I went by a more direct route. It was about 55 jumps, and one station stop shorter than the route I took in July.

I've already plotted my next leg before turning in for the evening. I'll be going straight to Explorer's Anchorage in Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 bypassing the DSSA Buurian Anchorage which was my first stop on my way home from Sag A* back in July. Because this will be fewer jumps than what I did on my short day today (159 vs 201), I may continue on after a short stop at Explorer's Anchorage. The third leg of my trip will be from Explorer's Anchorage to DSSA HSRC Limpet's Call in Phroi Bluae QI-T e3-3454. I may not make it all the way there tomorrow, but my plan is to make at least 200 jumps a day until I reach Beagle Point.

There are several DSSA Fleet Carriers for me to choose from for the next leg of my trip. I'll have to see how successful the auto router is and how many jumps it will take. If I'm lucky, I'll have only 2 more legs beyond DSSA HSRC Limpet's Call, but I may need to take 3 to get across the Abyss. My Anaconda isn't rigged for maximum jump range, but it's got over 70 light years. Also the number of legs will depend on if I can find scoopable stars when I need to refuel. I also don't want to expend any of my Jumponium to get to Beagle Point if I don't have too so I'll have the maximum left to explore a bit beyond Beagle Point.
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