Logbook entry

Day 4 Beagle Point Trip

I've arrived safely at DSSA Galactic Unity after 163 jumps. I departed DSSA HSRC Limpet's Call at 11:10am and arrived at DSSA Galactic Unity at 6:15pm. I didn't have to make any side trips to refuel on this leg. Many more systems had planets for me to FSS on this leg than the last one as well as quite a few TWW and ELWs that I was the first to discover. Based on the small number (5) of already discovered stars I saw on this leg, I suspect that not a lot of people have traveled between these 2 DSSA Fleet Carriers since they went live this past summer.

One thing I did notice was that the number of stars in front of me diminished considerably when I was about 50 jumps away from DSSA Galactic Unity. I had been so used to there being a sea of stars in front of me that the sudden blackness caught me by surprise. It was even darker than any place I've journeyed within 1,500 light years of Sol.

Looking forward to Leg 5, I discovered that the auto router could find no direct route from DSSA Galactic Unity to DSSA Eleanor even though it's only about 11,000 light years away. The Styx must have stars that are too far apart for my ship to make it to DSSA Eleanor directly. The auto router was able to find a direct route from DSSA Galactic Unity to DSSA Tartarus which is about 18,000 light years away and 279 jumps. Either tomorrow is going to be a very long day, or I'm going to have to do Leg 5 in 2 days. But this is why I gave myself over a week to get to Beagle Point. I just hope that I don't run out of fuel out here on the edge of the galaxy.

I've never traveled this close to the edge of the galaxy before. One of the problems is that the stars are few and far between, so traveling by the most direct route is not always possible, and the auto router only goes so far off a straight line before it gives up.

Once I get to DSSA Tartarus, I'll see if the auto router can get me straight from there to Beagle Point. If it can, then this trip will conclude with 6 legs. If it can't, then I'll see if I can get from DSS Tartarus to DSSA Eleanor for Leg 6 and then from DSSA Eleanor to Beagle Point for Leg 7. Supposedly, there is a 'easy' route between DSSA Eleanor and Beagle Point, but if the auto router can get me from DSSA Tartarus to Beagle Point, I'll take that route. Based on the star maps I've seen, traveling down the arm that contains Beagle Point should be easier than traveling across the gap between the arm that DSSA Eleanor is in and the arm that contains Beagle Point.

I will try to visit DSSA Eleanor on my way home if possible.
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