Logbook entry

Log Book Entry from the furthest landable spot from Sol

Today I'm sitting on Solome's Reach, the furthest moon or planet from Sol that you can land on without using a Fleet Carrier. Getting here was pretty easy in my Anaconda as I only had to use Jumponium once to get a little over 90 Light Years range for the longest jump. The sky is VERY dark out here. The Milky Way actually generates more light than the local sun so the terrain is very dark even in 'full daylight'. Having a dark purple paint finish on my ship does not make for very colorful pictures in a low light location.

I spent the last few days at DSS Distance Worlds uploading all my journey logs since I started studying for my pilot's license on Jan 14th 3307. Only being able to upload a few hundred entries per hour means it took several days to upload all the records. This included my trip to Colonia, Sag A* and back as well as my trip out to Beagle Point and all my mining, transport, and ship engineering efforts. After that session, I intend to upload my journey logs at each base that I can so that I don't waste so much time.

I intend to stay out here in the Beagle Point area until my 1 year anniversary on the 14th and then start my way home per my current plan. I've already scanned the tourist traps in Beagle Point. I wonder if there are any others out here?
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