Logbook entry

Where in the Galaxy is Dantassii Tacatii?

Just a short update to my current situation.

I've decided to do a LOT more exploring than I initially intended, and the galaxy is HUGE! I've been using the CODEX of known locations and have explored my way to seeing at least 1 of everything that someone else has already seen in each Region that I have visited. At least those that can be reached without using Jumponium and/or a Fleet Carrier. That means most of the White Dwarf stars will have to wait for a later visit. I spent a month in The Reaches and almost a month in the Acheron Region hitting all the sights to see in those 2 regions. LOTS of ELWs and TWWs got my name on them as first to discover/map. I then spent almost 2 months in Mare Somnia seeing all the sights there. Not nearly as many ELWs and TWWs in that Region as were in Archeron, and everything I wanted to visit was 70-120 jumps apart. I then went to The Veils Region where I am currently located. The DSSA Fleet Carrier (Deep Space 12) for The Veils is located at the far north east corner of the region and most if not all of the really interesting places are on the far western edge of the region. This means that I'll probably only visit Deep Space 12 twice, once when I arrived in the region and once just before I leave.

I've counted up the the number of regions I expect to visit on my way back to the bubble, and the count is 8. The Viels is #4, so when I finish it up, I'll be 'half way' home. I really expected to be back in the bubble by now when I first departed on Dec 23rd, but at my current exploration speed, it will probably be sometime in late August or September at the earliest before I'm back home at Jameson's Memorial. I'm still in no real hurry to get back though. It's peaceful out here in the black and it sounds like lots of war, terror, and greed are running amuck back home right now.

At the rate I am exploring and traveling, I may actually reach rank 4 in both categories on the INARA rank system. That will be nice. I just checked the Squadron list and only 1 person above me (I'm #32) in my Squadron has rank 3/3 in Exploration/Travel so far. I don't know if anyone below me is Rank 4/4 or higher, but it will be nice to be the highest ranked 4/4 in the Squadron.

Just last week I crashed through 5,000 systems that I am the first to discover according to EDSM. When I left the bubble on Dec 23rd, I had about 1,200 so I'm making some good progress on that front. EDSM has a Top 100 list of pilots who have discovered the most systems. #100 has 'only' 27,789 or there abouts to their name, so I've got a bit to go before I reach the top 100 on that list. It doesn't appear that many of the pilots on that list are actively exploring however, so once I do break into the top 100, I should be able to move up into the top 80 or so without too much extra effort. The #1 pilot on the list has 1st discoverer on close to 89% of all the systems they have ever visited. I suspect they have been a pilot since the FSD was invented to have such a high percentage of 1st discoveries. Anyway, I've got a LONG way to go before I get anywhere near that number of systems.

Here's hoping that by the time I get back, the majority of that nonsense will be over and saner minds will be in charge.
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