Logbook entry

Why has it come to this....

>Date: October 30, 3309
>Time: 09:32 PM EST (Earth time) 1:32 AM

>Username: CommanderAmaterasu

>Password: ****************

>>Access granted.

>Initializing secure connection...

>Connection Secure, Accepting inputs.

>Welcome, Commander Amaterasu Okami.


Here we are..... I don't like doing this, In fact it goes counter to the very core of what I believe and what I have publicly supported! If any of my friends find out about what I am preparing todo, What I am currently setting up my new ship todo, I would be called a hypocrite by everyone.

Anyone that has gotten close to me, That I have opened up too knows my opinions of this current war, We brought it upon ourselves when we trusted that manic and his super weapon, A weapon powered by the technology of not only ones greatest foe but of their own is innately flawed and back doored, I told my friends and family that unless my home was threatened directly I would not get personally involved outside of helping with evacuations. But now... With the discovery of these spires, And that they seem to be a hub for the intel network of the invasion seeing as only Orthrus-Class interceptors arrive (Outside of scouts.).

I am buying a viper, or a Chieftain and I'm going out there, who knows I might be the one that brings down the Orthrus that has data for a route straight to my home, To where my family resides on Sacco Refinery...

To my Xeno-Peace allies, I am sorry. To the friends I am now a liar to, I am sorry. And to the AX squadrons that have been fighting this war in our defense, Having to take up the mantle and defend us from the outcome of a mad man and his insane, stupid ideas. Thank you.

Oh and to those that are just calling for blood and genocide of the thargoids just cause "Only good bug is a dead bug" I hope you catch a insurance claim.
>Logging out...
>>Secure connection terminated.
>>>>Farewell, Commander.
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