Cmdr Porkchopsfam
Private investigator / Peacekeeper
Registered ship name
dishonored covenant
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain bpf-21
Overall assets
The Buur Pit

Logbook entry

Buurian Protectorate Assistance Record: HR 5960

07 Jun 2022Porkchopsfam

This is an official record of the actions complete by the Quick Reaction Force on board the "BPFC: Pork Enterprises" with regards to assisting "The Buurian Protectorate" in maintaining peace and order amongst it's people:

System: HR 5960
Duration of stay: 6/6/2022 - 7/6/2022
Actions completed:
1x +
9x ++
10x +++
1x ++++
4x +++++
= 73 INF, and 470k Exploration Data handed in.
Result of actions: Influence gain from 60.4% to 63.3%

CMDR's note:
It is worth mentioning the name of a pirate foe that went by the name of [-REDACTED-]. Ranked as threat level: 6, the commanders in Ali Orbital warned me not to pursue him by himself and so i didnt... I followed his signal and waited for him to enter supercruise, at which point the chase was on. The rat was out of his den, and could not block my call for security forces once i had interdicted him and his two vulture companions. I dispatched one of these vultures in the time help arrived, and just in time as my shields were on 2%. The fight was not pretty, and i had to crawl home in a battered Federal Corvette, but i was looking a helluva lot better than my target. The only pirate to survive the ecounter was his second vulture escort, goes by the name of [-REDACTED-] whom i left to tell the tale, but not without placing a tracker on his ship so he could lead the local security forces to their little hideout on the surface of [-REDACTED-]. Didnt even take 12 hours for their entire organisation to be tracked down and arrested. Not my idea of justice, but hey, not everyone is allowed to handle the law the way i do.

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