Cmdr Porkchopsfam
Private investigator / Peacekeeper
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dishonored covenant
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain bpf-21
Overall assets
The Buur Pit

Logbook entry

Biological Sample Results: Arambe A 4

19 Nov 2022Porkchopsfam

This log contains a catalog of any significant biological findings made by the research team on board "BPFC: Pork Enterprises", as well as evidence of discovery and a summary of the report made by the research team. All official documentation has been passed to and approved by Vista Genomics.

1. Tussock Cultro - Emerald

Observations: tallest plants reached male height, with high sugar concentrations in its cellular structures, seemingly to protect against freezing damage.

2. Bacterium Alcyoneum - Teal

Observations: Intricate maze-like design on the surface, with huge colonies formed over unknown periods of time. This bacteria is capable of photosynthesis, chemosynthesis and thermosysnthesis and is believed to be one of the first forms of life on the vast majority of planets it is found on.

3. Fungoida Setisis - Peach

Observations: These organic structures rely on pod spores to break off and scatter for reproduction, whilst only relying on chemosynthetic and thermosynthetic processes. Found living in rocky, uneven terrain with limited sunlight as this is not a major limiting factor to their survival.

4. Stratum Tectonicas - Green

Observations: Photosynthetic organisms that bond tightly to the surface of rocks, embedding themselves into the rock subsurface for protection against the elements whilst keeping their tough proto-leaves exposed for photosynthesis. Colouration appears affected by the minerals present in their rock and the absorption spectra of the nearby stellar body.

5. Frutexa Metallicum - Grey

Observations: Photosynthetic organisms with specialised photoreceptors able to work even in low light conditions. Deep roots allow for osmosis on a large degree whilst also providing stability in imperfect grounds. Small leaves protect them from both low temperatures and prevent large liquid loss in high temperatures. Extremely adaptive organism, found even in rough, uneven terrain with low sunlight hours.

Additional notes: Similar organic families detected on Arambe A 5, further investigation is recommended but BPFC: Pork Enterprises is not licensed to investigate Arambe A 5, hence, no additional information can be provided regarding Arambe A 5.

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