Cmdr Porkchopsfam
Private investigator / Peacekeeper
Registered ship name
dishonored covenant
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain bpf-21
Overall assets
The Buur Pit

Logbook entry

Buurian Protectorate Assistance Record: Rudranbarii

21 Nov 2022Porkchopsfam
This is an official record of the actions complete by the Quick Reaction Force on board the "BPFC: Pork Enterprises" with regards to assisting "The Buurian Protectorate" in maintaining peace and order amongst it's people:

System: Rudranbarii

Duration of stay: 20/11/2022 - 21/11/2022

Actions completed:
0 x +
3 x ++
13 x +++
0 x ++++
2 x +++++
= 55 INF

Assisting CMDRs:

- CMDR Buur (almost gave up on a crash site mission on stream, was about to get angry but he relogged and completed it xD)

Result of actions: Influence gain from 56.6% to 63.3%.

CMDR's note:

Whilst collecting a contract item from a crash site, i happened to find samples of Fonticulua Campestris - Amethyst, however I was ambushed by pirates and almost lost my SRV. Darn fools dont know when to quit. Nevertheless, the samples made it safely back to the carrier and I successfully completed my contract. The rest of the contracts went without a hitch, and my work for the day is done. o7

The following image is proof that the Fonticulua Campestris - Amethyst sample was found around the crash site, and no breach of planet licensing took place as stated in the Fair XenoBiological Contract of 2020:

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