Cmdr Porkchopsfam
Private investigator / Peacekeeper
Registered ship name
dishonored covenant
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain bpf-21
Overall assets
The Buur Pit

Logbook entry

Buurian Protectorate Assistance Record: Nulis

27 Nov 2022Porkchopsfam

This is an official record of the actions complete by the Quick Reaction Force on board the "BPFC: Pork Enterprises" with regards to assisting "The Buurian Protectorate" in maintaining peace and order amongst it's people:

System: Nulis

Duration of operation: 23/11/2022 - 27/11/2022

Actions completed:

- Rebels transported to a specified location
- 2 x Tourists transported to a specified location
- 2 x Political prisoners taken on a sightseeing adventure
- Minor celebrity taken on a sightseeing adventure
- 2 x Rich tourist taken on a sighseeing adventure

Total: 8 votes

Result of actions:

Election won 4:0, gained Klimuk Laboratory.

Assisting CMDRs:

- CMDR Therion Cygni (8 votes)

CMDR's note:

Ah elections, the eternal game of politics. False promises and backstabbing at every corner, if it was up to me, I wouldnt even go close to the election process at these places.

So I don't.

Instead, i simply transport the involved individuals from point A to B and remind to vote for the Buurian Protectorate as we wrap up our journey. In all fairness, I dont mind elections too much, purely because they give me an excuse to hop in my Beluga Liner and go and do a bit of sightseeing myself.

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