Cmdr Porkchopsfam
Private investigator / Peacekeeper
Registered ship name
dishonored covenant
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain bpf-21
Overall assets
The Buur Pit

Logbook entry

Human - Thargoid War Efforts: HIP 23716

03 Dec 2022Porkchopsfam

This is an official document on board the "BPFC: Porkchops Enterprises" detailing our efforts to aid in the Human - Thargoid war. Our Rapid Response Units have accomplished the following:

System: HIP 23716
Duration of operation: 02/12/2022 - 03/12/2022

State of system at start:

Thargoid infestation pending in 6W 6D, 2 active ports remaining

Actions completed:

3x80 refugees successfully evacuated.
1x36 refugees successfully evacuated.
2x18 refugees successfully evacuated.
= 312 refugees saved in total.

3x successful planetary ports defence missions (in a team)
250M combat bonds earned against the Thargoid threat.

CMDRs note:

Today I killed my first Thargoid interceptor! These creatures still do not make too much sense to me but they seem to fight in stages... with each missing heart, they are (programmed...? They are thinking machines, im not sure what causes them to act) able to use new abilities. I seem to be missing some crucial technology in fighting the thargoids because i am continuously being disabled by the interceptors which is annoying. Their swarms however seem to be pretty useless and their scouts are basically cannon fodder. I look forward to fighting more of these aliens and mastering this strange dance.

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