Cmdr Porkchopsfam
Private investigator / Peacekeeper
Registered ship name
dishonored covenant
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain bpf-21
Overall assets
The Buur Pit

Logbook entry

Buurian Protectorate Assistance Record: Eta Draconis

04 Dec 2022Porkchopsfam

This is an official record of the actions complete by the Quick Reaction Force on board the "BPFC: Pork Enterprises" with regards to assisting "The Buurian Protectorate" in maintaining peace and order amongst it's people:

System: Eta Draconis

Duration of operation: 04/12/2022 - [CORRUPTED]

Actions completed:

Day 1 of war (0:1):

Not yet participating in the war... no sizeable actions completed by Buurian Protectorate, day was lost.

Day 2 of war (1:1):

3x victorious high conflict zone in "Furnival Hydroponics Collection"
0M combat bonds handed in.
Day was won

Day 3 of war (2:1):

Did not participate in today's events, fellow Buurians fought instead. Day was lost*

Assisting CMDRs:

-CMDR Reise Lang
-CMDR Quizengine
-CMDR S. Turner

Result of actions: Battle was victorious with a 4:3 score.

CMDR's note:

I arrived a day late again, we lost day 1 as we couldnt rally in time. With the Thargoid presence, our troops are spread out thin and we are struggling to help defend the bubble whilst also completing our political goals... 2 wars and an election soon to be 3 wars and 2 elections all taking place at the same time. Nevertheless, the Buurian Protectorate is doing its best to handle everything and I'm sure with enough time we will still emerge victorious on all fronts! With that said, I am being summoned in our battle to take control of Xuangkomi, so my fight for Eta Draconis was short but sweet and I will continue to update this log with the results of my fellow Buurians. o7

*We had significant counterattacks and sabotages of our efforts due to a political misunderstanding. This misunderstanding has been cleared up and the sabotage should seize. War outcome should in theory be beneficial to our cause in a few days.

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