Cmdr Porkchopsfam
Private investigator / Peacekeeper
Registered ship name
dishonored covenant
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain bpf-21
Overall assets
The Buur Pit

Logbook entry

Buurian Protectorate Assistance Record: Nulis

05 Dec 2022Porkchopsfam

This is an official record of the actions complete by the Quick Reaction Force on board the "BPFC: Pork Enterprises" with regards to assisting "The Buurian Protectorate" in maintaining peace and order amongst it's people:

System: Nulis

Duration of operation: 05/12/2022 - [CORRUPTED]

Day 1 of elections (1:0):

No actions completed, won by fellow Buurians.

Day 2 of elections:

1 vote collected, some bulk tourists.
2 votes failed, VIP tourists were shot down upon returning back to our starting location (scanned and destroyed as i was typing this logbook out :') )

Result of actions: Elections were victorious!

Assisting CMDRs:

- CMDR Orpheus (3 votes for day 1)
- CMDR Quizengine (4 votes for day 1)

CMDR's note:

(The following is the final log of the black box on board the destroyed Beluga Liner vessel belonging to CMDR Porkchopsfam)

Back in Nulis for more "peaceful" elections. Took several VIPs a little over 400 LY from Nulis, and I have learned that my Beluga Liner has around 450-500 LY range from a full to empty tank! Nothing interesting happened, just saw a few scenes and read a few interesting logs about Whitson Orbital and So-Yeon stations in the LP-339-7 system (civil wars and disputes about black market dealings). Im starting to warm up to being a tour guide, i get to see a lot of interesting spots within our bubble! Either way, all my passengers were satisfied and our elections are going smo-

*Target lock detected*

[Local Authorities] "This is the police! We know youre carrying illegal passengers and lethal force has been authorised! You made a big mistake coming back here with these people!"

[CMDR Porkchopsfam] "Officer, I assure you there's been some kind of error, if we can just land and talk this through peacefu-"

[Local Authorities] "Negative, we dont negotiate with criminals! Open fire!"

*Audible shots and lasers piercing the hull of CMDR Porkchopsfam's ships, followed by sounds of explosions, panic and screams followed by a rapid rush of air into a vacuum and audio cut.*

Well, I've learned my lesson, pay more attention to the legal status of your passengers and make sure you enter your destination stealthily if they are criminals. What a fun experience, all that flying for nadda. xD

Sometimes life just gives you lemons and there is no lemonade to be made of the situation. RIP 2 votes for the Buurian Protectorate. o7

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