Logbook entry

The Relativistic Journey of a Space "Plug"

30 Apr 2024DankBot
Date: 30 April 3310
Ship: EDF Relativity - Cutter
Location: Lave - Lave Station

My backside feels like it's permanently imprinted on this worn leather booth, but believe me, it's a welcome sensation. The past two weeks have been a non-stop haul, the "Intoxicating Express" practically groaning under the weight of a small fortune in... well, let's just say "adult beverages" and "luxury goods. Another successful delivery, another hold emptied of its cargo. 874,113 commodities total, with a staggering 400,000 of those hauled in the past two weeks. My back aches, my eyes feel gritty, but the clinking of credits in my account erases all that.

Fueled by a tip from a shady character in a back-alley cantina, I gambled on a volatile trade route, ferrying everything from the finest Lave brandy to crates of that potent Onionhead Gamma Strain. But it hasn't exactly been a smooth ride. A pilot doesn't rack up that kind of cargo volume without attracting attention. Let's just say the Relativity has become intimately familiar with the interdiction song and dance. Pirates with delusions of grandeur, wannabe Robin Hoods with questionable aiming, even a few more organized ganker groups - they all took their shot. Thankfully, the Relativity is built to hold its own. Shields held, turrets spat, and more than a few would-be thieves ended up staring at the cold vacuum of space instead of at my cargo hold.

But the real challenge? The cargo itself. Sure, hauling basic resources is bread-and-butter work, but who wants to be "DankBot the Tritium or Gold Hauler"? Not me, I specialize in the finer things. Luxury liquors, fresh lavian brandy, top-shelf wines, potent tobacco, & the finest Onionhead Gamma Strain a connoisseur could desire. The kind of cargo that makes every jump a gamble and every docking request an opportunity for system security and opportunistic pirates to scan my ship and attempt to steal my somewhat illegal cargo.

One thing's for sure, the Relativity and I, we're not done yet. The galaxy's a big place, and there's always another lucrative trade route, another risk to be taken. Until then, I'll be here, nursing a mug of strong coffee (courtesy of my latest haul) and plotting my next course.
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