Logbook entry


26 Jun 2021IXXX


How to go from PVE evading pilot to PVP enjoying pirate

UPDATED: AUG 23: Added Piracy to PVP progression phases. JULY 22: Added PVP Events. Added PVP Training Program. Updated PVP Tactics with Boost Bleed, Preturn, Stall, Pip Checking, Stall Avoidance. JULY 18: Expanded foot weapons and trading guides. JULY 16: New menu UI. JULY 13: Reorganized. PVP Progression Phases. Added Synthing & Pip Managing Shields Via Radar Flashes. JUNE 30: PVE guide separated.

Overview of the guide sections

This guide prepares you for PVP, but start with the PVE Quickstart to get prepared first.
  • PVP GUIDE: Intro to PVP, Evasion, Why PVP?, PVP Progression Phases, PVP Locations, Resources & Discords, , Offense, Tactics, Carrier Use
  • PVP BUILDS Archetypes, Builds, Combat Engineering
  • PVP TACTICS: Weapon use, maneuvers, special tactics
  • PVE QUICKSTART: Traveling, couriering and powerplay, How to build ships, Farming engineering materials, How to build a DBX Jump ship, PVE Combat, Bounty Hunting, Wing Massacre Missions, Anti-Xeno
  • PVE BUILDS: What kind of ships to build for various PVE jobs.
  • FOOT: Farming Settlements, Recommended PVP Loadouts, Foot PVE Tactics, Foot PVP Tactics
  • SPACE POLITICS: Squadrons, BGS & Powerplay
  • DISCORD: Join the Cerberus Syndicate's Discord to join our PVP learning community.


There are lots of guides for beginners to Elite and PVP, but this guide exists to fill a perceived lack of a PVP-focused player guide that explains PVP to ALL ELITE PLAYERS such that they can understand PVP enough to respect it, survive it and go from beginner to PVPer in the most direct route possible if they choose.

This guide is also designed for the non-PVPer to know enough to get out of PVP alive with enough respect for the thrill PVP adds to the game to appreciate the dangerous part of Elite Dangerous. The New Pirate Initiative's purpose is to foster respect for PVP so that the majority of Elite's players can come to enjoy the full spectrum of the gameplay Elite has to offer.

This guide is also to bust myths about PVP that discourage people from trying it. Many have heard that PVP requires perfect engineering which is a long grind and some are convinced that PVP is somehow shady and associated mostly with "griefing". So before we can even address HOW to become a PVP pilot, we first need to explain WHY one would want to and WHAT is fun about it that makes it worth the effort.

The greatest reason to try PVP is for the endless fun! PVP is an endless challenge to work towards mastering as you progress as a pilot. The skill ceiling gives you room to keep learning and improving as you find ways to have fun at your skill level and play style as you progress.

It helps to understand WHO the different kinds of PVPers are and how their approaches differ so that you can see which kinds of PVP appeal to you and understand those other kinds of PVP enough to get into them later if you feel like it or at least be respectful of other people's play styles.

But first, for those who aren't ready to PVP yet, the most basic PVP skill for anyone just trying to survive until they get good:

PVP Combat Evasion

Even before you seek out PVP combat, PVP combat will seek out you so learn how to escape!

To protect yourself from attack, learn the fairly straight-forward methodology to escaping PVP:

Be prepared for combat evasion:
  1. When you enter areas that are high-risk according to the Inara crime blotter (usually including Deciat and any active community goal systems where PVPers will congregate looking for targets).
  2. Enter Galaxy Map and set a course for another star system immediately after entering a system.
  3. Map the Plot Next System In Route keybind so you can hit it quickly along with your hyperspace key to high wake away.
If you get interdicted and you are starting to lose:
  1. Submit by throttling to 0. It will reduce the cooldown time before you can wake out.
  2. Set your shield pips to 4, thrusters to 2. This will 2.5X your shield strength and help you boost away.
  3. Boost constantly in a 180 turn or somewhat random direction and continue using lateral thrust to dodge a portion of incoming fire especially FSD reboot rockets which could knock you back to a cooldown period before your FSD can reboot and attempt an FSD jump.
  4. Hit the Plot Next System in Route key to lock onto your high wake destination.
  5. When your FSD is ready, aim at your destination system and hit your hyperspace bind to high wake out.
  6. Immediately high wake again if you think they'll pursue your wake.
  7. Find the nearest system or carrier and repair if you think you've sustained major shield module or hull damage.
  8. Congrats, you survived and now you can do the same thing in the future and get better at it till you're in a position to fight and win!

You now know enough about evasion to get out of most PVP fights alive in open and survive.

If that's all you learn about PVP from this guide, so be it. But if you want to learn about the other 90% of Elite's gameplay that you're just scratching the surface of if you mostly PVE, this guide is for you.

This guide is written to introduce you to what PVP is about so you can respect and understand those who do it enough to get along and learn from them and get good at it some day.


There are great reasons why everyone should try PVP and why some people will love it.
  • SURIVIVAL: You may need to try PVP to learn enough to stay alive!
  • CHALLENGE: PVP ship and ground combat is fun and challenging in a way that keeps things interesting long after you've mastered the PVE aspect of the game. PVPers are still experimenting with new builds and tactics and testing their skills against each other after year after year of playing.
  • SOCIALIZING: PVP combat is a communal activity that gives you lots of reasons to interact with other players. Open battle leads to role-playing and meeting new people, many of whom could become tomorrow's friends after gaining respect for one another as today's adversaries. Dueling leads to tournaments and mentoring as you find players who you learn from and seek to compete to better your skills. Wing fights lead to squadron teamwork and mentoring your wing mates and learning how to fight as a whole force against other squads' dynamic wing forces. This is the really complex multiple-rock-paper-scissors matchup mashup that makes for intensely challenging battles.
  • GLORY: There's nothing quite as satisfying as surviving overwhelming odds, defeating a worthy adversary, turning back an incursion, or just proving something to yourself by overcoming the learning curve and becoming a better pilot. How else can you find out how good you are except by testing yourself against others? Record your battles, put them on Youtube, ask your friends for critiques, get better, post more glorious battles to come.


Not all PVPers are alike. You might think of yourself as a non-PVPer but end up as a PVP victim until you figure out how to be an evader or self-defender.
  • SELF DEFENDERS: Even people not trying to seek PVP find PVP seeks them. Even PVPers have times when they're in non-PVP ship builds and vulnerable. But even someone trying to avoid PVP needs to learn at least PVP Evasion to escape attacks and interdictions until they're in a PVP ship and ready to fight.
  • OUTLAWS: Pirates and mercs who defy the law and attack whomever they please for a variety of reasons. Outlaws do what they like and they like what they do and pride themselves on bending the knee to no one.
  • LAWFULS: Law followers such as PVE bounty hunters who generally won't fight anyone who has a clean record for fear of getting punished with a bounty on themselves.
  • LAW ENFORCERS: Law enforcement types who like to battle against outlaws. They pride themselves on standing up to outlaws who they consider gankers and beating them into submission.
  • MERCENARIES: Some pilots work for whichever side pays or interests them at the time, switching between outlaw and lawful behavior over time.
  • DUELISTS: Some competitive duelists are looking primarily for honorable challenge fights with agreed upon rules that emphasize high skill competition.
  • GANKERS: Some people just want to watch the world burn! Gankers are motivated by the thrill of taking down anybody who leaves themselves open to being attacked, especially Twitch streamers and law enforcers. Sometimes they give a roleplaying reason for the attack like an Asp Scout Recall Program or a Save The Thargoids Campaign, but sometimes they shoot without warning and just make you flee for your life. These are less scary if you practice evasion tactics and learn how to get away more often than not.
  • PIRATES: Combat ships preying on miners and traders to steal precious booty. What distinguishes them from gankers is their roleplay and their combat handicap caused by cargo-related modules.
  • POWERPLAYERS: Some pilots focus on winning battles for their Powerplay or BGS group and do battle with the forces of competing Powers.


What types of PVP action people get into varies.
  • ORGANIZED 1v1 DUELS or WING FIGHTS: Formal challenges usually conducted according to some mutually agreed upon rules. Start learning PVP by doing practice fights with organized duel rules. Try to challenge people near your skill level to see if you're getting better as well as people better than you to receive advice from. Many squadrons conduct internal practice duels to sharpen skills.
  • ORGANIZED COMPETITION: Like organized duels but with more consistent rules and rankings of fighters established by the ladder or challenge mechanics of the competition. PVP Hub Discord is a good place to participate in competition. Many squadrons also conduct internal competitions to train their pilots.
  • ORGANIC PVP: Players attack each other in Open to get fights and have fun and gain experience. This tends to be centered around Deciat and other popular Community Goal systems. Especially combat zone CGs, where you can expect to be attacked while you are battling the PVE conflict zone.
  • GANKING: Ganking tends to be similar to organic PVP except that you don't care if the target is in a PVP ship ready to fight back. Ganking can be role-played as part of piracy, warfare, assassination or any manner of justification to make it more entertaining for all concerned. But don't hate the gankers if they don't role play! Learn how to evade and appreciate them for the chance to learn how to defend yourself. in all manner of ships.
  • PIRACY: Combat ships preying on miners and traders, but you ask cargo ships to surrender cargo or die. Pirate builds have cargo holds, manifest scanners and hatch breaker and/or collector limpets to steal cargo with. Super fun to roleplay.
  • WAR: When whole squads, coalitions and powerplay factions go to war, it escalates quite a bit. This sometimes leads to people pulling out wings of Cutters, builds and weapons that are not considered "sportsmanlike" in everyday organic or challenge duel fights.


There are phases of PVP progression, not necessarily in this order:

CONTROLS Set your controls up for combat survival You need to customize your controls from the defaults to have good control of important things in combat. Follow our tips to get good controls mastered.
EVASION First just learn how to get away when you're attacked. Practice getting away by plotting an escape destination when entering systems, binding Plot Next System In Route, and using it to high wake out of fights quickly after submitting to interdictions you can't beat. 4 pip systems 2 thrusters and boost dodge to stay alive while your FSD charges.
SELF DEFENSE IN OPRGANIC PVP Start equipping your PVE ships like a PVP ship with engineering to be able to fight back and try beating people who interdict you. You will probably lose, but the experience you gain will help you start learning by practicing in duels and motivate you to get good so you can eventually beat attackers and turn the tables offensively.
PRACTICE DUELS Fight people of similar skill level to have a chance of winning and fight people more skilled than you to get feedback and advice. Learn the rules of PVP etiquette that work for you and agree on the rules before each fight. Practice till people who used to crush you become close matches or you start to beat them. Then practice some more with harder opponents!. Test new weapons, builds, tactics and counters.
WING FIGHTS Learn how to fight as part of a team. Fly with groups of players in evenly matched fights. Learn how to use a build and role that compliments your teammates.
OFFENSIVE ORGANIC PVP Take on other ships in hot spots like Deciat, Community Goal systems, Shinrarta Dezhra, etc. to test yourself against uncooperative non-duel opponents. Learn what works in open rules-free fights. Come up with a funny roleplay to say to your targets. Pick a class of targets like gankers or law enforcers who you think you can take.
WING PVP Learn how to fight as part of a team. Fly with groups of players in evenly matched fights. Learn how to use a build and role that compliments your teammates.
PIRACY PVP Prey on player miners and traders to steal precious booty Pirating ain't easy but it sure is fun.
CASUAL ORGANIZED PVP Play with other PVPers in regular events. Attend events like Wild West Wednesdays, Wyrd Wednesdays and events hosted by groups like PVP Hub and Galactic Combat Initiative. Play with other PVP enthusiasts and learn.
COMPETITIVE ORGANIZED PVP Play with other PVPers in regular events and competitions. Enter competitive leagues and try to win a single fight. Get better. Maybe even become very best, the best there ever was.
WAR Fight as part of an organized political faction like a squadron or player minor faction or powerplay group against another large organized group in open warfare. Learn how to put your skills and teamwork and maybe even military command skills to the test as part of an all-out war against a worthy adversary that can challenge you. Blow up their stuff and win glory. Put it on Youtube and Inara logs.


PVP is all about fighting another human pilot player and it makes for a much more exciting and rewarding matchup than PVE.

Once you get good at PVE, it can feel like shooting fish in a barrel and PVP is there to keep the game infinitely challenging and rewarding. You can get good basic combat practice by testing your PVP builds out in PVE bounty hunting, but you won't know what it really takes to win PVP fights unless you actually try PVPing.

Practice makes perfect
The best way to learn is to try actually doing it by having practice fights with your friends or people on Discords. Follow the basic guidelines for duels outlined in the PVP RULES section and remember to make sure everyone has enough rebuy to die and not be terribly inconvenienced or lose a ship.

Video Introductions to PVP
Watch these intro video guides to get a sense of what PVP is all about.

Exigious explains some of the basic concepts of PVP and the different maneuvers and build styles (bi-wave hull tank vs prismatic shield tank, for example).


Isn't ganking just griefing and seal clubbing?

Some people see it that way and think any PVP that is non-consensual (anything other than agreed upon duels) is just mean and sadistic and designed to make someone else miserable. This is not the only way of looking at it.
  • Attacking ships that aren't combat-ready is something the NPC pirates do constantly. It tests your readiness to defend yourself and force you to consider defensive strength of your non-PVP ships. Why would you accept that as part of the game but accuse players doing the same of doing something different?
  • Anyone can learn the basic PVP Combat Evasion drill to prepare to high wake out of interdictions with high chance of success.
  • Even new players being attacked for the first time learn from the experience and can take precautions to defend themselves and evade better after the learning experience of rebuying.
  • Many PVPers can't find enough opponents ready and willing to fight them in duels.
  • Duels wouldn't be very useful if you could never use the skills you develop in any way to influence the galaxy organically.
  • Many PVPers offer to teach people they fight how to get better at PVP in the hopes of expanding the size of the PVP community.

Isn't it griefing to attack people without saying why?

Roleplaying PVP with messages explaining why you're attacking is encouraged because it makes the whole thing more fun and immersively lore-friendly, but think about it:
  • Assassins aren't exactly going to announce themselves like the Spanish Inquisition. Why would you expect someone who is hired to kill you to waste time giving away their intentions when they could get valuable seconds of damage on you while you remain unaware you are even being attacked?
  • You accept numerous missions to assassinate, bounty hunt or massacre various groups and shoot them without saying a word. Would it surprise you if some of your enemies retaliated by sending someone after you? Would you expect them to write you an essay about it?
  • If you consider how much heat you would be drawing to yourself by all your violent activities, having people come after you just to prove they could kill you and brag about it should be no surprise. This is a standard trope in bounty hunter and outlaw stories that up and comers want to prove themselves by taking out the big shots.
  • Maybe you need to be the one to say something to encourage your attacker to explain themselves. Roleplay and see if they respond.
  • Many people combat log when attacked so gankers get disgusted with this and tend to try to kill as quickly as possible before you can do so. Say something witty and they may speak back.
  • You can bind your roleplay messages to hotkeys using driver software (see macros section) to have something witty to say ready to go without impairing your combat.


There are a lot of terms used about combat.
  • CMDR: "Players" are CMDR-rank Pilots who own their own ships and are functionally immortal, respawning if they are killed minus some rebuy costs and inconvenience. They outrank "NPC" pilots who seem to be mere mortals.
  • NPC: The "non-player" pilots are below CMDR rank and usually weaker and more predictable in their behavior.
  • PVE: Player versus Environment. Player Pilots fighting against NPC pilots Usually much easier than fighting other CMDR-rank pilots. PVE is more about completing missions reliably and efficiently to maximize rewards for the time expended.
  • PVP: PVP combat against fellow CMDR-rank Player Pilots is a risky affair. It is advised to begin engineering your ships to have a chance to survive PVP, and to maximize your engineering and practice to have a good chance of winning.
  • FDL: Fer-De-Lance, the dominant medium PVP combat ship in the Galaxy.
  • SCB: Shield cell banks, the preferred way to charge shields back up. Canceled by ubiquitous long range feedback cascade rail guns.
  • PAs: Plasma Accelerators, the preferred way to do big damage in PVP because it does 60% absolute damage which ignores resistances.
  • Meta: Meta means something is claimed to be a dominant strategy in PVP builds against the other most popular builds at the time.
  • Prismo: Prismatic Shields offered after 4 weeks and 750 rank 3 merits pledged to Aisling Duval's Powerplay Faction.
  • SR: Silent running, makes your emitted heat low enough to hide from sensors for stealth combat while you overheat internally.
  • HRP: Hull reinforcement package. Makes ships tankier after shields drop. Can't prevent module sniping.
  • MRP: Module reinforcement package: Makes modules tougher against sniping. Can't be engineered. Guardian MRP stronger at expense of power.
  • FSD: Frame shift drive. Combat ships can ride carriers and use minimal FSD range and fuel tanks to shed weight for speed.


Resource guides and community Discords where you can meet other pilots to learn from and team up with.
  • Elite Dangerous Community Discord: The mixing pot of randoms playing Elite. There are some great and knowledgeable regulars and a lot of people who are misinformed, obnoxious or just toxic towards PVPers who don't do it the way they think it should be done. It is worth hanging out sometimes to meet people you get along with and splitting into wing channels or other Discords once you find those people. PVPers like Quidd and Jarvis J routinely show up there and show people how it is done and offer to explain things to new PVPers so if you see someone like that hanging out in EDC be respectful and learn from them or challenge them to fight you and give you a critique.
  • Galactic Combat Initiative: GCI hosts PVP events and sharing of PVP knowledge. It is a good place to find knowledgeable people and discuss builds and strats.
  • Elite PVP Hub: PVP Hub hosts Weird Wednesday fights at San Tu and a formal PVP League for FDL metalance competiton.
  • Elite Combat Events: ECE hosts periodic PVP tournaments.
  • The Citadel: The Citadel is not a group, nor a coalition, but a gathering place for lawful PVP groups and independent commanders to come together, communicate, share experiences, have fun and work together to keep the Galaxy safe.


You should change the default keyboard and mouse binds as well as HOTAS binds if you use one.
You can make a combined KBM/HOTAS setup that supports both so you can switch between them smoothly without changing setups.

Keyboard Changes
Q: Roll reft.
E: Roll right.


A few guidelines exist around PVP that are important etiquette if you want to have anyone willing to PVP with you.

The most important rule of PVP to remember is never log out or force quit the game while in PVP combat with other players.
  • Quitting in PVP combat is called combat logging and is considered exploiting with force quitting or just unacceptable cowardice if you wait for the 15 second timer. Never fly without rebuy and take the rebuy if you got yourself into a situation where someone can kill you.
  • People will add you to a combat logger black list and post YouTube videos of you clogging if they catch you doing it.
  • Mistakes happen due to game instancing glitches and you should record your own gameplay with Shadowplay or OBS to defend yourself if you get accused of clogging or to catch cloggers and expose them yourself.

DO NOT DELIBERATELY USE EXPLOITS OR EXTERNAL CHEATS IN PVP COMBAT IN ELITE! You can expect to be caught and banned and lose all your hard work on your account as a punishment for abusing other players' trust and exploiting the game.
  • FDEV indicates that it is against their EULA for "the "the use of automated scripts, programs or services offered outside of the game to generate a player advantage".
  • That does not prohibit using VoiceAttack speech recognition or simple macros to automate things the game makes clunky using your driver software, but anything beyond pressing some buttons quickly that gets into doing multiple steps enters into cheating/botting territory.
  • If you're using a Voice Attack style macro to do things quickly that are slow to do in game due to clunky game design (such as launching fighter, adjusting pips or requesting docking) or to do things easily that are difficult to do with certain controllers (like sending chat messages in VR), FDEV don't have a problem with it as they actively promote Voice Attack for this purpose.
  • There is a large Anti-Botting Coalition of squadrons against the use of bots to influence BGS/Powerplay politics for good reason. You should make sure your squadrons discuss preventing cheating/botting and sign onto the petition.

If you are going to fight someone, communicate in chat. Challenge them to a 1v1 or wing fight. Make some demands or threats as a pretext for the fight. You can challenge them because they're not in your powerplay faction, or because they're not complying with the Asp Scout Recall Program, or tell them to drop cargo or donate to your carrier's tritium protection money fund if they want to be added to the do not kill list. How you do PVP is up to you, but it makes it a lot more fun for people if you role-play with others to make it interesting.

Blocking players may prevent them from instancing with you, which ruins the open PVP experience when it gets abused to prevent wingmates from being able to instance together. Do not do this. Instead, friend the people you PVP with so you can both see you're not blocking each other.

Win or lose, thank your opponents for a good fight by putting "GG" or "GF" in chat. Friend each other if possible. If you want to fight people again in the future, you should keep things civil.

If you challenge someone to a 1v1 or wing fight challenge, discuss the ground rules you want to agree to. If you're banning any weapons or ship types, agree on that beforehand. If you want a time limit to keep it from dragging out forever with evasions, set it. Whatever you agree to, stick to it. Record the fight so you have something to learn from after and something to prove you acted honorably.

Here are the PVP Hub Discord rules that most people follow in the PVP Community:

Fight Rules
  • No Premium/Standard Munitions (exception: UnrealJay)
  • No breaking the game TOS
  • No combat logging (menu log/task kill/throwing PC out the window)
  • No heals/concordant
  • No SLFs
  • No waking and coming back
  • No crimes
  • No returning to fights after game disconnect or crash when the fight is already underway
  • Fights are in medium ships only unless all participants decide on a different format together

Recommendations for Fun Fights
  • Don't straight-line away during a wing fight
  • Don't use seekers/packhounds
  • Try to avoid using basic synth, try and learn better aim and ammo management instead
  • Silent Running is pretty broken with the current heat settup in the game, organizing fights without SR is a good way to make them more fun
  • Fight to the death
  • Please be timely in getting ready for fights
  • Try to organize fights as fairly as possible


There are a few places PVP fights tend to happen such as Community Goals, Deciat, Shinrarta Dezhra, Cubeo and San Tu, so be on your guard when there and go there if you want to find fights.

The Inara Security Report shows where most PVP fights are happening:

  • COMMUNITY GOALS: New CG systems are usually popular hotspots with tons of players trying to complete the tasks making great targets for organic, ganking and pirate fights. With combat CGs, the conflict zone or resource zone nearest the star tends to be the most player active.
  • GANKING: Deciat and other beginner engineering spots are popular locations for gankers. Be careful if you're there whoever you are. Newbs are targets for gankers, and gankers are targets for law enforcers looking to kill gankers and defend newbs. Good place to fight if you don't have Shinrarta access till you get Elite rank.
  • ORGANIC: Shinrarta Dezhra is the main home system for most Elite ranked players so this is a good place to find organic and organized duel 1v1 fights.
  • POWERPLAY & RANK GRIND SPOTS: Farm grind systems and powerplay hubs like Cubeo on Wednesday nights before powerplay cycle can sometimes be fight spots.
  • SAN TU ORGANIZED FIGHTS: Many PVP Hub Discord pilots use San Tu as the hub for organized fights in or above the asteroid belt.

PVP Combat Offense

Once you get comfortable enough with surviving PVP encounters evasively, you make the switch to an offensive mindset and try to win. Learning how to win starts with practicing some PVP 1v1 fights every day with as much consistency as you used to do PVE fights and then testing out what you know in organic PVP.


You will lose a lot of fights before you start winning, but you'll be amazed at how rapidly you can improve when you practice properly.
  • You will probably lose many many early fights learning and rebuying.
  • Never fly without at least 3 rebuys!
  • Plan to bank up a lot of rebuy money to comfortably handle losing dozens of times without worrying about rebuy money.
  • Ask people on Discord to 1v1 you and give you advice if they see room for improvement.
  • Read Remlok Industries' Elite Combat Guide as this guide uses similar terminology which is in wide use in the PVE and PVP communities.


When you start trying to get into organic fights, some rules still apply if you want to have fun.
  • Gankers often use large wings to alpha strike foes before they can run away.
  • Dropping too many pilots into an organic fight can scare away the enemy and result in no fight at all.
  • The more even the number and size class of ships, the more you'll learn from the challenge and the more likely the enemy are to stick around to the death.

PVP Tactics

There's a ton of tactics to learn to maximize your survival chances in evasion, self defense and offensive PVP in the PVP TACTICS guide.


Read our PVP Builds guide for info on which archetypes and ship builds are recommended.


The purposes of the fleet carrier are myriad, but for combat it has a really important function: carrying all your different combat builds so you can have them all close at hand and swap to the right build to counter your enemies.
  • For example: if you are in a Corvette and come up against a bunch of torpedo and mine boats harassing you, you can quickly swap shield tanks for something better suited to killing the ships they're throwing at you.
  • Remlok Industries' Carrier Guide is a great and detailed explanation of exactly how carriers work.

Minimum Carrier Setup
  • Make it a priority to farm money to save up about 6 billion to buy a carrier.
  • Equip it for refuel, repair, rearm so you can use those.
  • Add outfitting and shipyard at minimum to make it useful to your friends who need to transfer their ships and modules to it for traveling with you.

Recommended Carrier Setup
  • Commodity Market: You want this to be able to buy and sell commodities at prices from 5% to 1000% of normal.
  • A market allows you to transfer funds to others by asking them to buy at 5% and sell at 1000% repeatedly while you set the buy/sell prices till you give them the intended amount.

  • Outfitter Package: Exploration ships. Use to equip newbs with their first ship. It can also be used to fill it with cargo racks initially for a repeated money transfer via commodity market price swinging.
  • Outfitter Package: Propulsion: Use to equip newbs' first ship with A rated frame shift drive.
  • Outfitter Package: Cargo Racks: Important for equipping someone for money transfers if they don't have a high cargo capacity ship with them.
  • Cartographics: A penalty on selling carto data is better than losing it all when you need to unload data before combat.

  • Redemption: A penalty on selling bounties is better than losing it all when you need to avoid repeating yourself.


Stealing precious booty ain't easy, but it sure is fun.
Despite the New Pirate Initiative name, this guide is mostly about combat in general and not focused much on cargo piracy. Actual piracy pirating, the kind where you steal cargo from traders and miners, is a challenging and exciting way to earn some credits and strike fear into the hearts of ill-prepared merchants. It is somewhat difficult to make a lot of money quickly this way without large amounts of high-value cargo around like the low-temperature diamonds of old, but the roleplaying thrill makes it worth the effort for the accomplishment of doing it.
There are several detailed piracy guides explaining how to do this:


The Odyssey expansion adds a whole new ground combat aspect to the world of Elite. Read our ON FOOT GUIDE.


Once you get comfortable doing space combat, you may want to pick a group you want to fight for. Elite's political system supports different levels of involvement at different scales. Read our SPACE POLITICS GUIDE.


The best way to learn PVP besides practicing on your own is to participate in PVP events where you can meet and learn from many other pilots!

New Pirate Initiative Wild West Wednesdays

AUDIENCE: Novice to advanced
WHEN: Wednesdays 20:00 PST / 21:00 MST / 22:00 CST / 23:00 EST / 04:00 UK
WHY: Wyrd Wednesdays are midday in the Americas, so Western Wednesdays are another fight time that is actually at night for people in the Western Hemisphere (NA & SA).
WHAT: Show up for PVP practice fights with like-minded PVP enjoyers.
WHERE: San Tu System, Chomsky Terminal station.
(It's an Anarchy system near Shinrarta Dezhra for easy engineering, park carriers in nearby systems if full)
COMMS: Join Cerberus Syndicate Discord to participate: https://discord.gg/8dPRezgwrk
SHIPS: Small and Medium ships recommended. Large fights by agreement.
ENGINEERING: 3 Tiers: Unengineered, Semi-Engineered (G1-G3 max), or Fully engineered (G4-G5). Have ships of different tiers to be able to practice with the most pilots.
RULES: Fight rules are by agreement but usual "PVP Hub Rules" are to the death; no healing weapons; no premium/standard reloads; no missiles/packhounds; No SLFs no returning to fights.

Warriors Of Wyrd - Wyrd Wednesday

AUDIENCE: Novice to advanced
WHEN: Wednesday nights 20:00 UK / 12:00 PST / 13:00 MST / 14:00 CST / 15:00 EST
Wyrd Wednesday is a fun wing fight event, we use fully engineered small or medium ships of all types. We have small to huge wing fights, fly out to installations, make use of our ice rings and fight around the station.

We help to encourage new fighters to join the ranks of PvPers, it's the second most funnest thing you can do without pants on.
For an invite just message Mike Metalic, contact details are listed in Warriors of Wyrd Squadron Registry.
COMMS: Warriors of Wyrd hold our event in The Citadel discord (https://discord.gg/duAP7Fs) voice channels marked =WoW= All participants must join voice.
Locations: LHS 278 - Maudsley Station
Ships: Small and Medium ships only
Engineering: Fully engineered ships are required
Rules: Fights are usually to the death; no healing weapons; no premium/standard reloads; no missiles/packhounds; No SLFs no returning to fights apart from our special Zombie attack game.



Audience: Intermediate to advanced
SFN provides up to 4v4 medium-ship wing fight for seasoned PVP’rs. Events are hosted in interesting locations around the bubble including rings, gravity, megaships, and more.

SFN is full contact PVP under a normalized ruleset to ensure fun and fair fights for all participants. Fights are typically randomized and balanced to encourage close matches, although accommodations are made for full wings that want to fight together.
Locations: New locations each week
Ships: Medium ships only
Engineering: Fully engineered ships are required
Rules: Fight to the death; no healing weapons; no premium/standard reloads; no missiles/packhounds; No SLFs

YouTube: https://youtu.be/X_bx8U-oulA
Prism's Scenic Fight Night - Algorab


My name's IXXX and you can read my Inara profile and view my hangar of ship builds with accompanying build guides. I work on this guide to pass on all the information other pilots, authors and video creators have taught me. I'm not a top competitor in PVP (yet!) but I am working on my skills to develop as a PVP pilot. I enjoy helping others get started and I try to condense the best info from the pilots I respect the most.

I have a YouTube channel with a playlist called SPACE TARKOV dedicated to showcasing Odyssey PVP and team PVE raids on ground and on foot.
  • Here's a couple PVP videos to show what PVP is like.
  • You can click time codes to the points the fights start and end.

A PVP 1v1 Duel Challenge

Ground PVE raid turns into 3 organic PVP fights


Cerberus Syndicate is a squadron that trains members with all aspects of PVE and PVP. We regularly roam PVP hotzones looking for organic PVP, and we regularly drill our skills in 1v1s and wing fights with each other and other PVP pilots and squads. If you like this guide and want to learn PVE and PVP from an experienced group of outlaws that won't tell you who you can or can't fight, ask us about joining Cerberus Syndicate.


Special thanks to several pilots who have explained a lot and given me some hands-on beatings and critiques: Quidd, Jarvis J, Pelley, Anjelen, Gliderian, Symm Mindweaver. Also thanks to guide authors like Remlok Industries and YouTubers Hawkes Gaming, Down 2 Earth Astronomy, Exigious.


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