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13 Jul 2021IXXX


How win fights, or at least try not to lose

UPDATED JULY 22: Added PVP Events. Added PVP Training Program. Updated PVP Tactics with Boost Bleed, Preturn, Stall, Pip Checking, Stall Avoidance. JULY 17: Added radar flash shield pip management. JULY 13: Split PVP Tactics into its own section. Added PVP Progression Phases. Added Synthing & Pip Managing Shields Via Radar Flashes. JUNE 30: PVE guide separated.

Once you understand the PVP GUIDE intro to why, who, what, where of how to get into PVP and you're constructing PVP Ship Builds, the how part comes down to tactics.

PVP Combat Evasion

Even before you seek out PVP combat, PVP combat will seek out you and it behooves you to know how to just escape! There is a fairly straight-forward methodology to escaping PVP:

Be prepared for combat evasion:
  1. When you enter areas that are high-risk according to the Inara crime blotter (usually including Deciat and any active community goal systems where PVPers will congregate looking for targets), take precautions.
  2. Enter Galaxy Map and set a course for another star system immediately after entering a system.
  3. Map the Target Next System In Route keybind (Menu/Controls/Ship Controls/) and Hyperspace binds so you can hit it quickly along with your hyperspace key to high wake away.
If you get interdicted and you are starting to lose:
  1. Submit by throttling to 0. It will reduce the cooldown time before you can wake out.
  2. Set your shield pips to 2, thrusters to 4 to help you dodge fire till your FSD drive can high wake (Alternatively, if you are in a slow tanky ship do 4 shields 2 thrusters as This will 2.5X your shield strength and help you survive till you can boost away.)
  3. Boost constantly in a random direction and continue using lateral thrust up, down, left and right to dodge a portion of incoming fire especially FSD reboot rockets which could knock you back to a cooldown period before your FSD can reboot and attempt an FSD jump.
  4. Hit the Plot Next System in Route key to lock onto your high wake destination.
  5. When your FSD is ready, aim at your destination system and hit your Hyperspace bind to high wake out.
  6. Immediately high wake again if you think they'll pursue your wake.
  7. Find the nearest system or carrier and repair if you think you've sustained major shield module or hull damage.
  8. Congrats, you survived and now you can do the same thing in the future and get better at it till you're in a position to fight and win!

PVP Combat Offense

Once you get comfortable enough with surviving PVP encounters evasively, you make the switch to an offensive mindset and try to win. Learning how to win starts with practicing some PVP 1v1 fights every day with as much consistency as you used to do PVE fights and then testing out what you know in organic PVP.

PVP Offense & Defense Tactics

Piloting Thruster Control

Learning to use your thrusters effectively to catch and evade foes is key.

Piloting maneuvers to maintain dominant position and range

A highly skilled pilot in a maneuverable ship can outfly and beat a less maneuverable pilot in a much "stronger" ship.
  • The key is flying to be where the enemy ship has the least ability to shoot back and where the enemy ship is as easy as possible to hit with your weapons.
  • Range management is the first key.
  • Always remember the effective range of your weapons and figure out what your enemy has to stay in a range that disadvantages them.
  • Some ships have hardpoints in positions that make their belly a weak spot or at least split their fire in half from certain angles.


Jousting is a common maneuver tactic where one or both parties make repeated passes at each other, shooting close-range weapons as they get close and then passing out of range to turn around and do it again.
  • Jousting is a way to move in and out of range so that you deliver alpha strike damage.
  • Fire short range weapons like frags and plasmas during a brief window when you pass someone.
  • Jousting makes you hard to hit before and after by immediately boosting past them.
  • BANK TIMING: Shield cell bank when you are about 2.5 seconds away from passing someone. This gives them the least time to turn around and 3 second charge rails to feedback cascade cancel your bank.
  • PRE TURNING: Try to fire your shot on a joust and boost dodge before your opponent does, using the boost rotation speed to turn back towards the target as you pass them to stay able to cancel their bank. If you began charging a rail shot when they were seconds away.
  • PRETURNED BANK CANCEL: You might even be able to land the shot to cancel their bank or let go of the charging up shot early since it will likely miss and charge up another shot quickly to coincide with the stabilization of your aim on them as they pass you.


There are a few maneuvers that maximize your chance of dealing damage.


Using boost to do thrust in directions other than your main thruster. As long as you are inputting directional thrust and laterals the whole boost, your boost goes into maneuver rather than forward thrust.


Close the gap with target and give yourself more time to aim.
  1. Your target is front of you about to boost. Hold boost till right after they boost.
  2. Now as they boost, boost after them 1 second delayed and turn in the direction they boosted.
  3. You'll be able to follow their boost and target them.
  4. They may boost again to evade after they're hit, allowing you to boost after theirs and target them again.


A target that doesn't know it is under threat can be hit before they know they're in danger.
  1. Don't give yourself away with weaker weapons before your strongest ones are ready to fire for a full volley by surprise.

Here's a video explaining how these are done:

Avoiding Stalling

Stalling is a slowing of momentum to almost a stop that makes you easily targeted.


Synthing ammo is essential for some builds to sustain ammo-limited fire. If you try to synth while you're being shot at, the synth fails and you have to start over.

  • SYNTH WHILE FAR AWAY: Synth while you have breathing room when the enemy falls back.
  • SYNTH DURING A PASS: Synth during a pass like you would with a cell banking for best chance of getting away with it.

  • Flight Assist Off Boosted Turning

    Turning rotation speed is slow unless you toggle flight assist off temporarily and hit a boost.

    • This makes you temporarily able to turn much faster.
    • You can turn FA back on before reaching your target so as not to overshoot.
    • With gimbled weapons like multicannons you'll be able to maintain shots on target by getting close enough to the target's reticle the whole time.
    • If you're using keyboard/mouse, enable Relative Mouse which functions almost like partial flight assist to avoid overturning.

    Here's why relative mouse is better for aiming with FA off:

    Full Flight Assist Off Training

    Some of the best pilots fly FA off most of the time, but it takes practice to get used to it.

    GCI recommends this training video for learning to FA off more of the time:

    Pip Management

    Pips in your power distributor need to be adjusted constantly during PVP fights.
    • SYSTEMS: When you are being shot at, you want to have 4 pips in shields to get 2.5X boosted shield strength.
    • WEAPONS: 4 weapon pips reduces power and heat generated by shots as well as distributor energy used.
    • Don't waste pips on weapons when your weapon pips are already full. Put pips into weapons to refill it or to reduce heat generation, otherwise put those pips into thrust and systems.
    • When you are shooting enough to near zero energy in your distributor for weapons, you need to increase weapon pips till it refills.
    • THRUST: 4 thrust pips increases the speed of your thrusters and boosts.
    • Use aggressive pips when you can get away with it like 4 thrusters 2 weapons to pursue a fleeing foe.
    • Don't waste pips on systems when your shields go down. Use thrusters to evade manually instead.

    GCI recommended pip management tutorial:


    You can predict when enemy fire time of flight weapons by hearing the weapon sound and seeing their radar icon flash.
    • Use weapon sound and radar flash as a signal to put pips into thrusters instead of systems when enemy aren't firing at you.
    • You can safely reduce systems pips to prioritize thrust during a pass to turn about and face your foe.
    • Weapon sound and radar flash can't predict hit-scan or nearly hit-scan weapons like rails, lasers, super CG shard cannons, high velocity cannons, etc.


    Pip macros are a way to speed up pip shifting to do better in combat.
    • You can set up pip macros in your keyboard/mouse/hotas drivers or Autohotkey to adjust pips into particular presets by using the reset key followed by a couple directional taps.
    • Don't go overboard on macros. VoiceAttack and basic macros are allowed, but fully automating fighting or botting is not. Scripting things beyond hitting nearly simultaneous key presses may violate FDEV EULA. See above under GUIDELINES: DON'T CHEAT.

    CMDR Baize has a good guide to pip management:

    CMDR Exigious explains in detail how to set up pip macros to assist with switching to various presets:


    The following suggested pip macro presets are designed to give you optimal pips for each part of a fight.
    You first have to have your directional arrows on keyboard bound to UP=THRUST, DOWN=RESET, LEFT=SYSTEM, RIGHT=WEAPON.
    You can use your macro program or driver utility of choice to set macros up as the following presets on each direction of a hat switch on HOTAS or another chosen keybind.
    CHASE/FLEE requires a fifth direction or bind or a mode switch on a HOTAS throttle.

    DOWN4 SYSTEM1 THRUST1 WEAPONDOWN LEFT LEFTExchanging sustained fire
    CHASE/FLEE0 SYSTEM4 THRUST2 WEAPONDOWN UP UP RIGHT RIGHT UP UPCatching fleeing foe or evading shieldless
    BRAWL4 SYSTEM0 THRUST2 WEAPONDOWN LEFT LEFT RIGHT RIGHT LEFT LEFTBrawling with a slow or immobile target


    On Keyboard/Mouse, you can bind keys to perform pip macros using keyboard driver utilities or Autohotkey software.


    On X56 HOTAS, the HUD driver app lets you assign a 4 way hat switch as a FAIL BACK or 4 WAY BUTTON with programmed inputs for each direction.
    1. Right click on the row corresponding to the hat of choice such as H4 (The bottom hat switch on the throttle).
    2. Choose 4 WAY and BUTTONS. (Fall Back mode will return them to working as distinct joystick inputs for in-game config use).
    3. Additional rows appear for each direction of H4.
    4. Click each and enter the directional arrow inputs on the keyboard.
    5. Click the checkmark to save or the red X to start over till you get them right.
    6. Click the disk SAVE icon and click the gear TEST SETUP icon to try the hat switches in the text input box it gives you so you can confirm they work.
    7. Try them in game!

    Dakka, Pewpew, Frag, Plasma & Reverb

    There are a few popular hardpoint build styles in order of player skill level required. It is a good idea to start with easier hardpoint styles and work your way up the skill curve to harder hardpoints as you get better:
    • Pewpew: Mostly lasers, typically a couple beams and the rest pulse, to avoid running out of ammo which helps for PVE sessions. Phasing lasers that go through shields are nasty in PVP against low-hull foes.
    • Dakka: Mostly overcharged multicannons relying on incendiary to shred shields and 1 smallest multicannon with corrosive engineering to shred hull. Dakka is the easiest to engineer with Todd the Blaster and the easiest to aim and hit for sustained DPS as long as you can maintain time on target within range. This is a good hardpoint build for new PVPers learning how to stay on target at all. You can also include a couple rail guns to get practice at shield cell bank canceling while you can just hold down the multicannon fire during your rail aiming process.
    • Frag: Frags are popular for fast ganker builds like Mambas, using lots of gimbaled frag or fixed pacifiers if convergence allows it to dish massive damage at close range. Gimbled frags are a good training wheel step between gimbled multis and fixed plasmas because you learn how to joust and get close range but the aim is more forgiving than plasmas.
    • Reverb: The counter to big shield tanks is often to use reverb cascade torps and mines to knock the shield generator right out through the shields. This often relies on missiles to distract them long enough to land the reverb cascades. Torpedo missile boats can shred medium and even large shield tank builds that aren't prepared.
    • Plasmarail: The "meta" PVP hardpoint style uses 2-3 plasma accelerators with thermal conduit for heat-based damage boosting plus feedback cascade rails to cancel shield cell banks and superpenetrator rails to module snipe power plants. Plasmas are amongst the hardest weapons to aim, but the reward for mastering them is immense. They do 60% absolute damage which ignores resistances and split the rest 20% thermal 20% kinetic, effectively boosting their damage against most targets.

    Prismatic Shield Tanking vs Bi-Weave Hull Tanking

    Most PVP pilots prefer a big strong Prismatic shield tank over a nimbler and more fragile Bi-Wave Fast Charge shield over a lot of hull reinforcements because module sniping is still a risk.

    Some skilled PVPers excel at making bi-weave work. Here is a fight video showing the matchup between Exigious and Neotantrix, a particularly skilled Bi-Weave user. Exigious still wins and it is not due to a lack of skill on Neotantrix's part.


    Ramming does a lot of damage and it does more damage to them than you if your hull is a lot heavier and harder.
    • Ramming also happens more easily during jousting when you're flying past each other anyways, and plasma and frag ramming is a common strategy to finish foes off quickly by delivering a fatal combination of ram and close range burst damage.
    • Practice ramming by aiming your thrust towards the reticle showing where the enemy ship is going to be rather than where it appears to be.
    • Practice evading rams by lateraling and reversing and boosting out of the way before it is too late.

    Shield Cell Banking vs Feedback Cascade Rail Cancels

    Shield cell banks restore a ton of shield health. The two most popular ways to use them are with heat sinks using double banking or without heat sinks using hot banking.
    • Double banking means triggering 2 cell banks quickly and then firing a heat sink to cool off both at once.
    • Hot banking means triggering 1 cell bank, preferably receycling cell specialized, in order to ride out the heat without taking damage and without spending valuable utility slots on heatsinks instead of shield boosters.

    Feedback Cascade Rail Canceling
    When you bank, you cause waves in your shields to be visible during the charge up time.
    • In the shield charging time period, you're vulnerable if they rail gun you with feedback cascade experimentals.
    • It will cancel the shield cell bank usage partially or in full based on the size of the ship's banks and the rail gun comparitively.
    • As soon as you unlock Todd the Blaster, you should be aware that rails are meta because of shield cancels and start practicing using them even against PVE.
    • Most PVP builds should include at least 1 long range feedback cascade rail gun if not more and larger ones against larger shield bank using ships.
    • Imperial Hammer powerplay rails are 30% stronger if you land all 3 burst shots and make canceling easier on a per-slot basis if you can afford the power.

    Rail Cascades Versus Shield Bank Sizes
    Bigger shield cell banks take more and bigger rails to cancel them fully.
    • A size 1 feedback cascade rail causes 1 cancel.
    • Each additional class 1 adds 1.
    • Each size category larger is worth another cancel.
    • Thus you can add up all the size classes of rails you've got for a total cancel number.
    • Imperial hammers are worth 1.3X as much as a single rail.
    3A 1 Viper III
    4A 1 Mamba, FDL, Asp Scout, Dolphin, Cobra III/IV, Viper IV, Diamondback Explorer
    5A 1 Chieftain, AspX, Crusader, Krait Phantom, Vulture, Keelback, Federal Assault Ship Mamba, FDL, Asp Scout, Dolphin
    6A 2 Beluga, Python, Challenger, Gunship, Krait MkII Chieftain, AspX, Crusader, Krait Phantom
    7A 3 Corvette Anaconda, Clipper
    8A 4 Cutter Type 10

    Exigious does a good job explaining exactly how shield cell banking works:

    Mango does a good job explaining the many wonders of rail guns and how to gauge how much cascade is needed against different bank sizes:

    Module Sniping

    Once modules are exposed by shields going down, no matter how much hull you have, you can still have modules targeted and knocked out.
    • You should always target a subsystem such as power plant or drives when in combat.
    • Power plant has  chance of prematurely detonating the enemy ship.
    • Drives disabled will render the enemy ship unable to move or FSD jump away.
    • Drives are easier to hit when you are pursuing a fleeing enemy presenting their drives to you.
    Several weapons are specialized to inflict maximum module damage:
    • Seeker missiles and especially Powerplay Li Yong Rui Packhound missiles (Li Yong Rui's powerplay weapon unlock).
    • Superpenetrator experimental rail guns. (Short range blaster increases the damage done, long range lets you hit longer shots for more chances to snipe).
    • Phasing sequence lasers do NOT damage subsystems, they have penetration value 0. They CAN damage hull through shields though but you'll have to damage the entire hull. This works best against paper thin hulls on shield tanks.

    Packhound Missile Racks

    Packhound Missile Racks are a powerplay enhanced version of seeker missile racks. To get them:
    1. You need to pledge to Li Yong Rui for 4 weeks and move 750 tons of preparation cargo from their capital to their prep systems at the end of the 4 weeks.
    2. Then when the Thursday Powerplay tick happens you'll gain 750 merits.
    3. Once the 4 weeks are up you can buy Packhounds.
    4. Get 20 of them or more stashed in module storage ships and defect to your next powerplay module shopping priority.

    Why are packhounds worth getting?
    • Mostly because they're almost impossible to intercept using ECM/Point Defense and because they do great module sniping or special effect delivery damage.
    • They make it hard to see an incoming torpedo alert and can trick people.
    • And they look like amazing anime missiles!
    And if you wonder why people call Packhounds "anime missiles", it is because they are based on a TV Trope called Macross Missile Massacre referring to the barrage of tiny swerving missiles from the Macross Robotech anime:

    Reverb Cascade Mines & Torpedoes

    Reverb Cascade experimental mines and torps directly penetrate shields to damage shield generators.
    • When enough damage is dealt to reduce shield generators below 0%, the generator breaks and shields fall and do not come back.
    • This is a common tactic used to counter powerful shield tank builds.

    Countering Reverb Cascade
    Evading torpedoes by straight-lining away from them is relatively easy if you see them coming and react in time.
    • They have a low speed around 250M/s so most ships can outrun them.
    • But they can be masked by distractions like packhound missile barrages and people can be baited into running into them or hit when they're not paying attention.
    • Even after being hit, many pilots won't pay attention to their shield generator module health until it is too late.

    You can try to counter them with ECM, point defense, and screening shell munitions as well.


    Read our PVP Builds guide for info on which archetypes and ship builds are recommended.
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