Logbook entry

Commanders Log 3306-12-25

28 Jan 2021Burstar
Craft: Tanquility (Krait Phantom Registry BU-47T)
Destination: Onoros
Cargo: Beer and Wine

Christmas will never be the same for me ever again. I... I thought the rumours were just that: rumours. I was wrong.

The trip was almost over. The feeling of anticipation as I ordered the final jump was foremost on my mind. In my head were plans of making a small profit, and milking the inevitable appreciation from the stations inhabitants at the party when the slow rumble of Hyperspace travel was shattered by a sudden jolt. The corridor showed signs of instability and the COVAS agreed. Instinctively I grabbed the controls to stabilize the direction of travel but it was pointless. With a sickening lurch and a pitiful groan the corridor collapsed. The ship was now tumbling through normal space.

Quickly I engaged the flight assist and pushed power to the engines to stabilize the flight. As I glanced over at the nav panel to see where we ended up my heart chilled as I watched a shadow quickly pass over the cockpit. The noise was... terrible. I felt a wave of nausea and suddenly everything went dead. Nothing responded. Minimal power to life support, no helm control... are the shields even up?

That's when I saw it. A humungous... flower? I don't know how else to describe it, other than to say I knew I was dead and there was nothing I could do. It opened up it's maw(?), making it seem larger than it already was. Gods, is it going to eat the ship with me in it? I don't know what happened next. When I came to all I saw was the demon flower leaving. Wow, is it fast... and not alone. Two of them! The second was even bigger than the first! I realized my mouth had been open and drooling this whole time when the systems jolted us both back on.

I don't know what I was thinking, but I found myself giving chase. Maybe I wanted to get a good look at them? No, I wanted to show them I wasn't scared. A bluff to be sure. Maybe I could get a good sensor scan in, but no, they were gone in a blink. What the hell was that all about?

So anyways, it turns out I was still in the last system about 20k ls from the star... A Brown Dwarf... With insufficient fuel to jump. Well, at least I'll have an interesting story for the Fuel Rats when they get here. I wonder if they'll believe me?
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︎4 Shiny!
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