Logbook entry

Commander's Log 3307-02-20

29 Apr 2022Burstar
Craft: Rodger Young (Alliance Chieftain Registry RY-187) Destination: Asterope

It's been months since that first encounter with what I now know are called 'Thargoids'. I'll admit I felt terrified and helpless when I initially witnessed their immense size and raw power up close. I shared my encounter with whomever I could and soon found that these hyperdictions are both common and getting more so every day. Then one day, nervously sipping a Lavian Brandy the bartender whispered to me "you don't need to be afraid of them. I know of an organization that can help". I quickly jumped at the chance to sign up with this band of roughnecks humbly called the "Anti-Xeno Initiative" and have been in training with these amazing people ever since.

I heard stories of Megaships being annihilated, untold millions exposed to the vacuum of space, or instantly dissolved by these foul creatures caustic secretions. I was given training on how they fight, what their weaknesses are, the weapons and equipment it would require, and right in the middle of it as if on queue got wind of a 'Goid attack on the bubble! Dan? Why Dan of all systems? We deployed immediately as is our duty.

I won't bore you with my feeble attempts to describe our fierce battles, but the holovids are rife with footage should you enquire. All I will say is we won that war, but at great cost. How long until they return? Every day more and more people sound the alarm that the Thargoids are an existential threat to humanity. Will you heed the call?
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︎1 Shiny!
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