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My first Fuel Rat experience

This happened about a year ago and is a pretty sad but kind of funny event that happened to me in my days as a wee little commander full of goals as asperations. I was just getting back into the game after meeting my current squadron in a different game we play. I was in a Cobra Mk III I think, it was a smaller ship from what I remember. I was trying to fly to my squadrons territories and it was a long flight with lots of jumps. This was before I knew what a fuel scoop was and fuel stars etc. So what I normally did was jump system to system and refueled at the stations along the way. Welp running a little low on fuel I made a jump to a star thinking id refuel at a station near that star. Well there was no station at this star. No worries I thought. If I can't FSD to the next system I will super cruise to it... About 30 mins into my ill fated adventure it became very apparent that I did not have enough fuel and was running dangerously low. I hope on my squadrons Discord and asked for advice on what I should do. They recommended I call up the Fuel Rats for a saving.

So I go to their site and submit a request and get in touch with their dispatch. I then get linked up with one of their guys to save me. I wish I could remember their name. They tell me to shut off all none essential systems and I sit their floating in space with basically a wing beacon and life support watching my fuel supply drop ever so slowly. The kind Fuel Rat jumps into my system and the first thing they ask is How did I even get all the way out there. Embarrassedly I admitted that I tried to Super Cruise to the next system. The poor Fuel Rat then proceeds to fly about 30 mins to bail my dumb ass out. They then proceed to teach me what a fuel scoop was and how to plot a route showing fuel stars etc.

10/10 Would recommend, though hopefully will never have to use again.

Thanks again Fuel Rats,

Von Severn Kerensky
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