Logbook entry

A Promise

I was returning from an exploration mission to gather sensor fragments for Professor Pain in my ass... I mean Palin. It was a routine mission nothing to serious. I am flicking the radio looking for some songs for the journey when the alarms went off.  Warning Hyperspace Conduit Unstable. What in the world is going on. My Anaconda is tossing and turning violently, the huds flickering. Frame Shift Drive Malfunctioned. I just got that damn thing replaced. Everything goes dark. I start flicking the on off switch in hopes of restoring power to the bridge.  Nothing is working.

I look around franticly for any sign of what is going on. I look up and see four weird looking space flower like things starting at me. What are these things and what do they want. Are these the mysterious Thargoids I heard so much about? Then a yellow beam comes from the center of the closest one. Finally after what feels like an eternity they all just leave. Leaving me to wonder what had just happened.  

I don't know what they wanted or even what they are. All I know is I am going to upgrade one of my fleet to fight them. No on can hyperdict me with out repercussion. I will kill them, or die trying

Von Severn Kerensky
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