Logbook entry

It's Official: New Auxiliary Home Station Chosen

02 Jun 2021Red G Si
Home is Earth...home is my beloved Sol system. Actually, I should state that it is home for ME as I am the only one of my crew from there. But that's okay, I love that fact, and diversity is always good.
In our travels I am always keeping an eye out for a star system that will make for a good secondary home for us, a forward operating base if you will. A place that is friendly. A place where we will store some of our gear and maintenance parts. A large variety of good restaurants never hurt. Decent, CLEAN hotels are a must. And if we decide to lease some condo's there, they need to be safe.

In my early space days (not so long ago), that initial place was Gidzenko Terminal in Kokary. We were based out of there and even had apartments for a while. The mining was good, the station was Independent, and it was still close to home. Federation space always gives me a (warm n fuzzy) feeling of comfort, I guess because it's where I'm from, definitely not that the Federation is superior to everyone else. I am officially independent after all, Naval ranks notwithstanding. We've since moved on though, returning to Sol and basing ops from there between Li Qing Jao & Columbus.

Now that I have more experience, my main requirement for a home station is that it is near an ELW, preferably orbiting one. I love traveling and exploring, and, I might last a few days, I might last a few weeks, but sooner or later I NEED to get to an elw surface or I will go insane. I need to get my feet on some terra firma and feel the warm air, and BREATHE the wonderful, pure, warm air. Even if it's only for an overnight stay. . And don't get me wrong, the crew loves that I am like this, I mean, who doesn't love extra days off, especial near the planet's tropical areas. We almost always shuttle to a decent city that is in it's spring or summer. I'd also prefer that the system has some decent planetary bodies with rings, because rings = paychecks and business growth for all of us. Or at least be a jump away from such.

Anyway, after spending a few weeks here, back and forth, I've decided (and the crew agrees) that Ross 467 will be our new auxiliary system of operations, particularly Bennett Hub orbiting 467-1. 467-1 is a wonderful ELW that has a light ring, which puts the station on the inside of it, really close to the planet. The views. are. spectacular. Every time we emerge from the mail slot, This beautiful  marble fills the windows. 467-2 is a wonderful tropical, ringed Water World with the amazingly nice Sharma Terminal. But in the end, we chose Bennet Hub. I mean, those views. Mining so close has been helpful too. Those views.

Ross 467 has some other really nice ringed bodies that have proved great for mining so far. And of course, mining brings the rats: stupid pirates who, if they just redirected all that time and energy and work and fearlessness into building their own legitimate business, well, I'd shudder to think of just how successful they could be. But defend the innocent we will, and we do. Thus far, system police have been appreciative as they are understaffed. 

This is a really wonderful system. We've already brought over our core miner, the ESS Avarice (Phantom class), and the pirate hunter ESS Zhengfu (FGS class), both of which will remain docked here for now. Whether we end up leasing condos and a tiny office space here or not I am still undecided.

In conclusion, we were finally able to clear planetary customs so that we could shuttle down to 467-1. We came to the pretty large city of _______. It's pretty modern and the locals have been nice. We've spent the last 2 days here. I write this log entry from a nice café, outside near the beach. The weather is warm, and it has rained a bit every day.  We're working on establishing some decent relationships here that can prove beneficial for all.

There are always candidates for additional auxiliary home bases, and there always will be, that's a big part of the adventures, and the fun of it. But you know, it's nice to find a place that just feels right, to all of us. And getting everyone to agree does not happen often, so when it does, to ignore that would be...?
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